An Introduction to “Lectio Divina” Part of an Introduction to the Spiritual Journey
Lectio Divina = “holy reading” 1.To become aware of our images of God 2.To see prayer as nourishing a friendship 3.To explore Lectio Divina as way of listening to our Friend Today’s tasks:
1.What image(s) of God do you use?
What image of God do you use? Is it “God Almighty”? Is it “God Creator”? Is it “God the Father”? Is it “God, Energy of the Universe”? Is it “God the Lawgiver”? …or?...
How we imagine God has a profound impact on how we pray.
Moses on Sinai … an encounter with the awesomeness of God The apostles on Mt Tabor … an encounter with the transformative power of God Two forms of encounter with the Otherness of God
The Christian insight: This awesome God is also closer to us than we are to ourselves “Abba” – “daddy”: we can consider this awesome God as intimately involved with us.
2. How do you nourish a relationship with God?
Prayer as intentional relationship Imagine one of your friendships… How do you get to know your friend? –You listen –You ask questions –You talk to other people about your friend –You watch your friend in action –You spend time with your friend
Prayer as intentional relationship How do you conduct your friendship with God? –Do you listen for God’s whisperings? –Do you ask questions and wait for answers? –Do you talk to other people about God? –Do you watch God in action? –Do you spend regular time with God?
3. How Lectio Divina can be a tool to nourish a relationship with God Lectio Divina treats Scripture as a “love letter” from God to you.
The heart of Lectio Divina Scripture is “living Word” for each of us, today. Read Scripture the way you would read a love letter from a dear friend: why is God saying this – to me, now? What does God want me to hear/learn?
The four steps of Lectio Divina Read (“lectio”) … something strikes you Reflect (“meditatio”)... why did this strike you? Respond (“oratio”) … share with God Rest (“contemplatio”). just sit with this