SHS Survey Review 2010 Nic Krzyzanowski, SHS Project Manager TTSAC 28 April 2010
Overview SHS background Context of review Consultation activity Future options Next steps
SHS Background Sample of general population in private residences in Scotland –Composition, characteristics and behaviour of Scottish households and individuals Priority on communities, local government and transport Continuous survey approx 14,000 households –Using face-to-face CAPI, approx 45 minutes –Two part interview – Household and Random Adult Consortium of Ipsos MORI and TNS-BMRB
Survey Review - Context What are we reviewing? –The operation of, and uses made of the survey with the primary aim of assessing the achieved benefits, quality and continued need for the survey and to maximise the benefits through appropriate question and topic content [and design] Project drivers –Changes in content –Changes in design –Demands for space –Changing political landscape –Survey harmonisation/ growth of other surveys –Fiscal pressures
Consultation – Outline The main work carried out includes: –Interviews with SHS Lead Analysts –Consultation with policy stakeholders –Web based survey –Focus groups Also supported by: –Evaluation of SHS Review 2005 project –Alignment with other analytical work –SHS Steering Group
Consultation – Current Uses Uses and frequency of use varies –General awareness, several times a year Valuable and useful resource –Primary data source for many –5 National Indicators, 19 Local Indicators Cross-cutting data is crucial Supplements alternative data sources Good but could be better
Consultation – Key Issues Strategic governance needs to be improved Demand for content > space available Would like sub-LA and other geographies Shows broad trends but offers little explanation Timeliness and representativeness Need to explore alternative survey mechanisms Engage better with stakeholders
Future Options – Possible Models Status quo –Current design and scope, with potential for making some modifications Stripped back –Become a Communities survey and allow other areas (e.g Transport) to go it alone Increase size –Utilise current design but increase scope and size Core and modular
Future Options – Core and Modular A single, flexible modular system ‘Core’ module administered to whole sample on key variables Topic ‘modules’ administered to parts of the sample –With sufficient precision to meet data needs –Topic | Geography | Sample size | Frequency Accommodate other survey features –Diary components and other self-completion –Telephone or personal interviewing
Questions ? SHS Project Team