Dr. Denise P. Gibbs, Director Alabama Scottish Rite Foundation Learning Centers PST RtI STUDENT SUCCESS
This presentation is being provided today at no cost by the Alabama Scottish Rite Foundation. The philanthropy of the Alabama Scottish Rite Foundation began in the 1950’s in Alabama and continues today. The mission of the Alabama Scottish Rite Foundation is to provide help to Alabama Schools as they work with students who struggle in reading - particularly those students with dyslexia.
RTI and Legal Mandates NCLB (No Child Left Behind) and IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) establish RTI parameters which center around scientific, research-based instruction and intervention AND student outcomes! New IDEA eligibility requirements dictate that schools be able to document use of research- based instruction and interventions along with progress monitoring prior to SLD determination! Also included in state administrative code
What is RTI? the practice of providing high-quality research-based instruction/intervention matched to student needs and using learning rate over time and level of performance to inform educational decisions
What is RTI? …high quality = 80% rule …research-based = backed by evidence of effectiveness …matched to student needs = LEARN what needs are and proceed! …learning rate over time = monitor progress to determine weekly rate of improvement needed and achieved …to inform educational decisions = let student performance dictate whether you continue, alter, or change what you are doing.
What are your students’ needs?
Do your students…… Struggle to meet basic academic standards? More problems in some content areas than in others? Show growth across all skill/ability levels? ALL students are moving up (not just low getting higher)?
Do your students…… Exhibit considerable behavioral issues? Much time devoted to “crowd control” and discipline Exhibit no problems what so ever! Lake Wobegon?
If your students struggle in reading…..are you like….. Reading Next (2004) ? 90% who struggle with reading have comprehension problems and only 10% have word-level problems. Deshler (2007) ? 45% who struggle with reading have word-level problems!
If your students struggle in math…... Do you see more operations problems….basic math facts? Do you see more concept and analysis problems?
If your students evidence too many behavior issues…... Do you have positive behavior supports in place? Can you identify causes of behavior issues? How do behavior issues relate to academic issues? Could can’t do look like won’t do?
When you build YOUR RTI framework around the needs of YOUR students, everybody wins and success will follow!!
Alabama’ RTI Framework Response to Instruction document available online at RTI for K-12 RTI for academics and behavior. Three tier model
RTI Essential Elements 1. Scientific, research validated instruction and interventions 2. Tiers of effective instruction/ intervention matched to student needs 3. Assessment 4. Problem Solving Team s (instead of BBSST) 5. Implementation consistency
Scientific, research- validated instruction and interventions
Research-based literacy instruction (National Reading Panel, 2000) 1. Phonemic awareness 2. Phonics 3. Vocabulary 4. Fluency 5. Comprehension
Research-based math instruction (National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008) In mastering whole numbers, fractions and geometry and measurement students need to gain: 1. Conceptual understanding 2. Computational fluency 3. Problem solving
Consistent Recommendations from Grade 4-12 Research 1. Focus upon explicit learning strategy instruction and provide time for students to practice using these strategies in small group experiences in daily classes. 2. Include this strategy instruction in ALL content area classes
Consistent Recommendations from Grade 4-12 Research 3. Address the need to ensure student engagement and motivation by providing students appropriate materials and meaningful classroom activities which allow them to be active participants in the learning process.
Consistent Recommendations from Grade 4-12 Research 4. Make intensive intervention classes available for students who need them 5. Provide and require participation in professional development to equip educators to accomplish the mission
Tiers of Effective Instruction and Interventions
Elementary Tier Model (K-3) Intensive Intervention 60 minutes Intervention 30 minutes per day in the classroom Comprehensive Core 90 minutes per day reading 60 minutes per day math Plus Special Education 80% 5% 15% ? % Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Academically, what should Tier 1 include for elementary students? MINIMUM of 90 minutes in reading and 60 minutes in math of uninterrupted core instruction NRP and NMAP suggest a combination of whole and small group differentiated instruction The five big ideas from the NRP and critical benchmarks from NMAP!
Tier 2 for elementary students…. Additional small group instruction Best when provided by classroom teacher At least weeks in duration Frequent progress monitoring May need additional rounds of Tier 2 if “adequate progress” is being made May need to move to Tier 3 if “inadequate progress” is being made
Tier 3 for elementary students Intensive intervention Does not replace or supplant (Tier 1) but may replace Tier 2 Designed to meet identified student needs in math, reading, and behavior Student will miss something Decide what will be missed Schedule for success! Who might provide this intervention? Title I; reading, math, or behavior interventionists; SPED; Para; Classroom teacher, etc
Grade 4-12 Tier Model Intensive Intervention classes Differentiated strategy instruction in content classes small group-intentional groupings Core instruction=Strategy instruction in content classes whole and small group Plus Special Education 80% 5% 15% ? % Tier 1 Tier 3 Tier 2
About Grades 4-12 Tier 1 Students learn how to learn Strategic teaching in ALL classes Some time for students to work with peers daily in ALL classes Encourages student engagement Students become active participants in the learning process Students “make their own meaning”
About Grades 4-12 Tier 2 Differentiated strategic teaching Teacher explicitly models strategies with students and scaffolds as needed Opportunities for peer-tutors and heterogeneous grouping (weaker with stronger and teacher rotates among groups) Opportunities for homogeneous grouping (weak come together and teacher works with that group)
About Grades 4-12 Tier 3 Intensive intervention classes for students who need them (math, reading, and behavior) Reading – Word-level interventions and comprehension interventions Math – Computation and problem solving interventions Behavior- small group sessions/classes Scheduling options Grade specific intervention times Acceleration block
SPED (Tier 4) after RTI LRE will be impacted! How will we use inclusion? Need for DIRECT services Intensive, intensive intervention if Tiers did not result in success ! Probably some 1:1 Must have homogeneous grouping if not 1:1 Ongoing progress monitoring
RTI:B K-12 Tiers Intensive Intervention classes Supplemental behavior supports implemented in classrooms Universal positive behavior supports practiced school-wide or district-wide Plus Special Education 80% 5% 15% ? % Tier 1 Tier 3 Tier 2
RTI:B Tier 1 Universal Support Environment, environment, environment! Small set of school or system-wide rules: Be safe, be responible, be respectful As a system-wide Universal Support effort in schools, positive behavior support (PBS) consists of rules, routines, and physical arrangements that are developed and taught by school staff to prevent initial occurrences of problem behavior. “Be safe” Example: Walk in the hallways
RTI:B - Assessment Office Discipline Referrals (ODR) may be a type of screening and progress monitoring tool. Could set criteria for movement to Tier 2 as X number of ODRs over a given period of time. Teacher nomination forms may also serve as assessment tools to screen for students who need Tier 2 behavior intervention.
RTI:B Tier 2 Supplemental Support Behavior plan, check-in/check-out, etc (1) teaching the student to use new skills as a replacement for problem behaviors, (2) rearranging the environment so that problems can be prevented and desirable behaviors can be encouraged, and (3) monitoring, evaluating, and reassessing this simple plan over time. Progress monitor – behavior report card
RTI:B Tier 3 Intensive Intervention Support May include behavior intervention class utilizing various curricula such as: Skillstreaming Series The PREPARE Curriculum: Teaching Prosocial Competencies Behavior Education Program I Can Problem Solve Bullying Prevention Program
RTI:B Websites
RTI Uses of Assessment
To determine IF intervention is needed ( screening) To determine WHAT intervention is needed (Additional assessment) To monitor the progress of students in interventions (progress monitoring)
Screening to determine IF intervention is needed For elementary students, ALL students should be screened at the beginning of school (also referred to as benchmark testing). For secondary students, schools could screen all entering students OR complete a records review and then “screen” students below a designated level or students with an intervention history!
Screening Tools A few of the peer-reviewed screening tools AIMSWEB (reading, math, spelling, written expression pre K-12) DIBELS (reading K-6) STEEP (reading and math K-12) Independent, peer-review of screening and progress monitoring tools
System-wide intervention criteria School systems will need to determine the screening outcomes which will result in intervention consideration and referral to one of the problem solving teams. If score is below ___ then student reviewed by the appropriate problem solving team
Problem Solving Teams
Number and structure of problem solving teams Must have at least one team but probably best to have several teams at each school! Some suggestions Grade-level PSTs Across grade level PSTs (K-2, 3-5, etc) Teacher team PSTs Departmental PSTs Other Good to involve as many school personnel as possible on teams.
Problem Solving Team and BBSST With some modifications of perceived PURPOSE, BBSST can evolve into RTI Problem Solving Team Purpose is no longer SPED gatekeeper, or SPED gateway, or SPED roadblock! New purpose will be to: M ake sure that appropriate interventions are provided for ALL students Set measurable intervention goals for each student Systematically evaluate data reflecting student progress in interventions
Problem Solving Team and BBSST With some modifications of PROCESS, BBSST can evolve into RTI Problem Solving Teams Must NOT recommend accommodations but scientific research-based interventions instead Must use progress monitoring data rather than anecdotal information to form decisions. Must be able to carry-over to next year as needed Must rethink timelines
Problem Solving Team Members Needed Members Teachers Instructional Coaches SPED personnel Intervention teachers Counselors Principal or designee
Problem Solving Team Member Roles Chairperson Which students will be discussed and in what order Notify members Secretary Note decisions made and generate parent letters Timekeeper Keep discussions on track and timely Data person Present and explain graphs
Problem Solving Team’s Work Match students with appropriate interventions Select appropriate progress monitoring tools Set measurable intervention goals Review progress monitoring data Make recommendations re: discontinuing, continuing, modifying (smaller group or more time), or replacing intervention. Send progress “reports” to parents on a regular basis DOCUMENTATION!!!!
Implementation Consistency
Keys to Consistency DOCUMENTATION! Applies to all tiers and all components Walkthroughs Professional development Coaches General school culture and commitment to outcomes and change as needed
THANK YOU! RTI for Middle and High School: Structures and Strategies for Literacy Success (2009)