Professor Ruth Whittaker & Marty Wright Glasgow Caledonian University
Designing a National RPL Framework: Case Study Scotland Professor Ruth Whittaker Glasgow Caledonian University Recognition of Prior Learning Scottish Higher Education Network
Why is RPL important? Recognition of Prior Learning Scottish Higher Education Network
Recognition of Prior Learning Scottish Higher Education Network Part of broader agenda to develop more flexible and efficient learning pathways Funded and supported by QAA Scotland with the endorsement of Universities Scotland and the Scottish Government Endeavours to support the HE sector to address the issues that make it difficult for key stakeholders to engage with RPL Builds on earlier work e.g. the Streamlining RPL Guidelines While it is a national RPL framework, it aims to be flexible enough to reflect different institutional contexts. What is the National Framework for RPL and why do we need it?
Enhancing RPL within HE
Recognition of Prior Learning Scottish Higher Education Network Guidance on RPL for PRSBs Develop resources/case studies Raise awareness Guidance & information Resources & toolkits Raise awareness Implementation of streamlining guidelines at institutional level (including introductory guidance) Update/refresh examples of practice Develop understanding Minimum benchmark for RPL strategic/sector level guidance/principles Raise awareness at this level Strategic /Sector Institutional level Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body Level Student level National RPL Framework for HE
What are we trying to achieve?.. …Transforming processes
Recognition of Prior Learning Scottish Higher Education Network Using the National HE Framework for RPL
Recognition of Prior Learning Scottish Higher Education Network Sector level principles
Enabling RPL in institutions Streamlining and enhancing RPL support and assessment within HEIs require a set of enablers related to: Policy and process that mainstreams and integrates RPL within admissions, learning, teaching and assessment strategies and quality assurance mechanisms; Curriculum design that explicitly addresses flexible modes of entry, progression and delivery; Clear points of contact for RPL for potential applicants, existing students and staff; Building staff capacity and capability,linked to the need for CPD opportunities and the increased visibility of RPL across the institution and in staff workload; Greater use of technology-enhanced RPL provision through VLEs and e- portfolios as part of a blended learning approach Integration of RPL processes within related developments such as PDP, employability,WBL and distance learning; and Data gathering and analysis to ensure effective monitoring, tracking and evaluation as part of a process of reviewing and enhancing practice.
Making the National HE Framework for RPL Work: next steps Baseline survey sector level principles Development of RPL toolkit to support programme staff Reviewing role of RPL network Supporting and sharing innovative institutional approaches
Institutional approach to RPL School level coordination Direct Match versus Broad comparison Consistency and transparency Timely Transition into University for students (support) Devolved Model of RPL
Institutional approach: flexible continuum model Marty Wright; Academic Head School for Work Based Education Scottish Centre for Work Based Learning renamed Employees and employers are at centre of activities Learning is accredited (RPL) or is extending workplace skills and abilities (WBL) Learning at work, for work and through work
Experiential and constructivist ideas of learning : not new Effective, valuable and developmental learning for people in work actively occurs through the medium of work, through experience, interaction / engagement with others (CoP), especially when the learning is engaged with critically and reflectively Dewey ; Kolb 1984; Schon 1983; Brookfield 1987; Gear et al.1994; Wenger 1988; Eraut et al, 2000 /2005; Felstead et al, 2005; Eraut & Hirsh, 2007.
WORK BASED EDUCATION 3 strands to the activity External Accreditation (companies, business, organisations) RPL (using external accreditation, other Formal credit or WBL) Work Based Curriculum (prescribed and / or flexible)
We work with partners All our students are employees Majority (95%) are undertaking bespoke university certificate, diploma, degree, honours or masters level programmes with the support and financed by employers Bespoke Programmes / modules / curriculum designed or agreed by employers
FLEXIBLE EVERYTHING Admission criteria Start date Start level (Modern apprentices to CEO) Flow through, 1 or 2 modules at a time, length of programme Content / curriculum Blended Learning for the UK, Dubai, Eire, South Africa
LEAST Flexible Learning Continuum (1 of 11) Integrated Work Based Programme Integrates other WBL models and flexible entry e.g. Modern Apprentices Prescribed modular content / theoretical principles then contextualised in content and assessments. May include external credit rated programmes as entry or as part of the relevant level to shorten the programme SCQF 7, 8,9 Degree, Diploma Certificate awards all available May exit at lowest level, aspiration to highest level is not always feasible Business / Service Led: dictating their expectations / required knowledge and skills sets of their employees or managing talent Recruiting and supporting the development of staff as well as business’ vision Incremental but based on proven ability capability
Mid point of flexible continuum (6 of 11) Integrated Work Based Programme New service, innovation, enterprise, change for individuals in employment The definition of new / change will also dictate the academic level WBL features as an accredited component to state standards expected and evidence / confirm attainment of standard. Notional effort attains a number of credits. Output aligned to SCQF confirms attainment of SCQF level May also have prescribed modular components or external credit rated programmes SCQF 9,10,11Ultimate standards are prescribed by professional identity, and agreed as appropriate for the business (strategic vision) Selected student is aspiring or new to role (developmental) Employer led business enhancements or evolutionary staff development to remain contemporary
MOST Flexible Learning Continuum (11 of 11) RPL with option to include external credit rated programme to a maximum of 240 credits 12 (420 need to be 12) Executive and Senior Management Level. Individual or small group. Work based RPL matched to Professional Doctorate module content may include elements of externally accredited programmes Maximum number of SCQF 11 credits = 80 11/12 (150 at 11) Executive and Senior Management Level. Individual or small group.
Developing a flexible learning continuum In addition to the existing ‘aspirationally’ the flexible continuum will NEED TO CONSIDER AND INCORPORATE : Students moving through the curriculum at their own speed Students determining their own curriculum, and how they want to learn, also how they want to be assessed Enhanced by digital & education technology that personalises and addresses relevancy, time, place, global, local etc
Recognition of Prior Learning Scottish Higher Education Network Thank You Contact Details: Ruth Whittaker: Marty Wright: Heather Gibson: