Fresh Talent Louise MacDonald Head of International Projects Division Scottish Executive “Attracting and retaining Fresh Talent – the Scottish experience”
Migration – a global issue Global: Mobility of labour a global phenomenon Countries competing to attract and retain migrants European Union: Debate around differing immigration policies of member states United Kingdom: Has fully opened its borders to workers from EU Accession countries Changes to UK Immigration System Scotland: Immigration is not ‘devolved’ – work within UK immigration system Need to differentiate to compete
The importance of perception – Scotland’s International Image Scotland’s International Image Scotland Brand Study Live and Work Do Business/Invest Visit Aim To position modern Scotland as a great country to live, learn, work, visit do business and invest. Portray compelling visual images and deliver consistent messages about contemporary Scotland
Scotland – opportunities and threats Scotland’s population is currently projected to decline below 5 million in 2030s: Fewer young people More older people Fewer people of working age in the labour force 3 key variables: births, deaths and migration Potential impact upon Scottish aspirations for economic growth and for an outward looking, diverse, enterprising and dynamic society
Fresh Talent First Minister launched Fresh Talent in February 2004 “New Scots” report outlined a range of measures to be taken forward to help new talent flourish alongside home grown talent Fresh Talent operates alongside other Scottish Executive policies Target groups for Fresh Talent: Students People looking for work Entrepreneurs Returning Scots
Scotland’s response Set up a Relocation Advisory Service and website on living and working in Scotland Achieved flexibilities within UK immigration: Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme Achieved Scottish flexibilities within new UK immigration system Promoting Scotland as a place to study, live and work: Media visits, events, attend education and workers fairs Student scholarships and support to help international students integrate Mobilising international networks
Relocation Advisory Service Relocation Advisory Service set up in October 2004: web, phone, face to face 7 staff, including 2 immigration specialists and 1 business adviser Over 225,000 visitors to Over 9,000 customers assisted from over 135 countries Developing detailed information packs for migrants Work with local community groups to welcome and integrate migrants
Fresh Talent – work with businesses Secured the support of key business associations and trade unions Set up a business unit within the Relocation Advisory Service to advise Scottish businesses Establishing a service to advise small and medium sized businesses on equality issues, including diversity Talent Scotland – match companies and individuals in key industry sectors Financial assistance and advice to migrants wishing to start up a business
Mobilising International Networks Scottish Diaspora: Over 25 million people who claim Scottish ancestry around the world Alumni: Over 100,000 Alumni Global Scots and Global Friends: Over 900 influential ‘Global Scots’ and over 400 ‘Global Friends’ Encouraging our Diaspora, Alumni and friends to be champions for Scotland: Launched an e-magazine ‘Scotland Now’ Events and receptions around the world
Lessons to share The importance of research and good data Secure support from key public and private sector organisations Policies must be joined up! Business, business, business! Support from local communities