+ Scottish Borders Council Education and Lifelong Learning Respectful Relationships Policy Overview August 2013
+ Overview Policy Aims, Principles and Values What is bullying behaviour? What is your role in promoting respectful relationships? What is your role in responding to bullying behaviour? Expectations
+ Policy Aims, Principles and Values AIM: “to support the development of respectful relationships. This policy provides guidance for staff, parents and pupils on the prevention and management of bullying behaviour to make our learning settings safe, respectful and positive environments where bullying behaviour is never acceptable” Who this policy applies to? The policy applies to behaviour demonstrated or experienced by pupils to pupils; pupils to staff; and staff to pupils. This policy does not apply to staff to staff bullying behaviour – this is managed under the HR grievance and disciplinary policy. PRINCIPLES & VALUES: “Child at the Centre” and Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) Understanding of Rights and Responsibilities Partnership (pupils, parents, and communities) Consistency for all Curriculum for Excellence Equalities and Diversity
+ For Discussion 1. What is a Respectful Relationship?
+ Definitions What is a respectful relationship? “A respectful relationship is based upon mutual trust, honesty, kindness, consideration, fairness, bringing out the best in those involved” What is bullying behaviour? A breakdown in a respectful relationship Unacceptable in any circumstance Defined by the negative impact it creates in those affected A behaviour not a person Intended and/or Unintended Persistent and/or One-Off
+ For Discussion 1. What can Bullying Behaviour look like – what are bullying behaviours? 2. How can Bullying Behaviour be experienced – what does it feel like?
+ Recognising Bullying Behaviour The BEHAVIOUR: What can Bullying Behaviour ‘look like?’ Name calling/verbal abuse Physical abuse, assault or aggression Emotional and psychological abuse Isolation and exclusion of others Theft or damage to belongings Manipulation If this behaviour takes place through technology –this is cyber- bullying. The impact, behaviour, and response remain the same The IMPACT: How can Bullying Behaviour be experienced? Change in ‘normal’ behaviour Reduced confidence Loneliness Anxiety and worry Changed attendance Fear Tearfulness Aggression Change in physical appearance (including eating disorders, self- harm)
+ What is your role in promoting respectful relationship? Health and Wellbeing responsibility of all curricular content (see appendix 2 of the policy) Be a role model – show respect, demonstrate respectful relationships, use the language of the policy All schools will develop their own Contract for Respectful Learning Understand that bullying behaviour is never acceptable Do not label – bully, victim : it is a behaviour not a person Take part or lead school wide activities which promote respectful relationships (i.e. diversity activities, guest speakers, parental information, mentoring)
+ What is your role in responding to bullying behaviour? Listen. Take it seriously. Empower the person experiencing bullying behaviour by taking them seriously and showing you have an interest in their wellbeing Understand that bullying behaviour is never acceptable – avoid responses such as “ignore it and it will go away” and “it is just part of growing up”. Record the incident appropriately – it is an expectation not an option Respond to the incident by: Gathering further information from those affected Identify any additional considerations e.g. equalities, violent incident, child protection, Discussing and agreeing an incident management approach e.g. mediation, apology, mentoring, behaviour management, referral to partner organisation Agree outcomes for those affected by bullying incident Keeping a written record of agreed actions and set a time-frame for review Checking in with those affected and recording progress
+ Expectations Throughout the next year take part in training opportunities To record all bullying incidents in the appropriate way To respond to bullying incidents in a child centred way – by listening and identifying outcomes with the learner Show leadership within your school to staff, pupils and parents by promoting and demonstrating respectful relationships Use the language of the policy – avoid labelling To know that Child Protection policy and procedures supersedes Respectful Relationships Policy Supporting one another during the change and implementation
+ Thank You