Impacts on training and employment Kate Storrow Chair Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Background SUSE formed in 1995 to promote supported employment 50 members Scotland wide Supported Employment is the employability approach evidenced to be best practice in supporting disabled people into sustainable employment. Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Membership Members include local authorities who still provide supported employment services Small local employment organisations such as IntoWork, Forth Sector, Employment Shetland Larger national employability services such as Enable, SAMH, Capability Scotland, RNIB Scotland Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
What is supported employment? Supported Employment promotes the rights of all individuals to achieve their full potential through a model of flexible support that enables people to overcome barriers to their employability and access real jobs for real pay. Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Five Stage Approach The 5 stage approach to supported employment The approach outlined in the Supported Employment Framework for Scotland 2010, where individuals are provided with personalised support through the five stages of: Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Supported Employment Engagement; vocational profiling; job finding; employer engagement; and ongoing support in work (or aftercare). Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Framework Supported Employment is guided by the three main principles: the job should be in an integrated work place; the jobholder is paid the rate for the job; and Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Framework all individuals have the right to end their reliance on welfare benefits, i.e. reduce poverty. Scotland has an agreed published framework targeting jobs for disabled people (Unique?) Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Pre Smith situation National UK programmes: DWP National Scotland Programmes: Scot Gov Local initiatives and frameworks Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Pre-Smith: National UK Programmes Work Programme: 480 blind people on programme in Year 1 with zero jobs Work Choice: 45 per cent success rate Access to Work: 'Government's Best Kept Secret' Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Pre-Smith: National Scotland programmes Local partnerships CCP or CHCP Defined employability pipelines - services fit into a pipeline SG or LA Personal budget implementation and how employability fits into this Youth initiatives with a 0.2 per cent participation rate by disabled people Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Pre-Smith: National Scotland programmes Employability Fund Youth Employment Scotland Employer's related Initiative Community Jobs Scotland ESF Local initiatives: Commonwealth Fund Impact of the Wood Commission report Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Smith: Support for unemployed people through employment programmes (Work Choice/Programme) Deciding how they operate; prime contractor, local model, national model, follow pipeline or specific stages Personal budgets Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Legislative Competence Employment schemes for long term unemployed and to helps people with disabilities into work Youth employment Design of new programmes that must last for 1 year minimum Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Jobcentre Plus Scotland programmes have to 'fit in' within a UK wide system and not cost more Referral between national UK and Scotland programmes (currently virtually impossible) Can devise similar programmes as UK Government so we could have Scottish Work Programme, Work Choice Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Issues Procurement decisions: prime contractor, national, local priorities and what impact that will have on existing providers. Change management : WC contracts end in October 2015 Delays in implementation of ESF Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Issues Lack of information about future Role of national organisation versus local organisations (incidence of disability) Lack of representation within existing programmes (MA's) doesn't inspire confidence How much freedom with SG have to deliver something 'new' Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Future National organisations - what will their role be? Local authorities - do they want to provide specialist services for disabled people? Not if the reduction in supported employment in Scotland by LA's is a blueprint. Watch this space! Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649
Thanks Scottish Union of Supported Employment Scottish reg. charity no. SCO27649