Introduction to Jisc and some of the Jisc Services Karten Network Regional Events Glasgow, 11 th November 2013 Margaret McKay Jisc RSC Scotland 1
Introducing Jisc The UK expert on digital technologies for education and research It has been around for over 25 years Digital content (e.g. British Library Sounds)British Library Sounds Network & IT services (Janet being the most well known).AC.UK Advisory services, Jisc Legal, Digital Media, Jisc Techdis. 2
Some of the many Jisc Advisory Services
Legal Have a variety of materials on their website that may be helpful to you eSafety Copyright ICT Law 4
Digital Media 14 October
Introducing TechDis Jisc TechDis is a leading UK advisory service on technologies to support disability and promote inclusion and accessibility. Our core remit is to support organisations within the post-16 education sectors. 6
TechDis Tools Accessibility & inclusion resources The Techdis Toolbox (Tbx) Small bits of just in time information aimed directly at learners Online Events - TechDis Tuesday, Dialogues with a differenceOnline Events UK Online Centres - webinars Some Karten Centres are UK Online Centres 7
Free Text to Speech Voices The Scottish Voice from CALL University of Edinburgh. Free tools and voices that are useful for anyone with a print impairment. The voices are licensed for: State-run schools, pupils at home, Scottish Colleges, Scottish Universities, Scottish Open University students, Scottish charities dealing with pupils and NHS patients, Scottish Local Authorities, NHS Scotland, Scottish government agencies and public sector in general. 8
Want to learn more about Balabolka? Visit the Jisc Techdis Toolbox
More TechDis services Technology Advisory Group (TAG) for Independent Specialist Colleges The Karten Network is a member. Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) Managing assistive technology competitions
Regional Support Centres ( RSCs) Centres in UK Working with over 2,000 learning providers Aiming to help improve performance & efficiency with technology. Provide advice and support, share good practice and facilitate collaboration to help solve everyday challenges and achieve strategic objectives. 12
RSCs local to you In Scotland the Scottish Funding Council funds the RSC Scotland to support the use of technology in FE and HE. Like Techdis many of our webinar events are online and available nationally. In addition resources can be viewed and shared by anyone who wants to access it online. 13
RSC Scotland Online Events for example ….. Sharing Stories - Wed 20 th November. Creating interactive and student centred ePortfolios using iBooks author. 14
RSC Scotland Online Events for example ….. RSCtv – Gadgets and Gizmos. Wednesday 11 th December 12:30 – 1:15 Join us as we highlight and look at new and interesting technologies that could be valuable cards in your hand. There will also be an opportunity to share your thoughts and help us keep in touch with the technology you use. What do you think will be the next big thing? 15
Case Studies of Inclusive Practice from FE/HE in Scotland Access and inclusion case studies Learner Ambassadors case studies: A student with dyslexia using mind mapping to plan coursework. A blind student using Robobraille to create her coursework in alternative format. A dyslexic learner using iPad apps to support her learning. Creating eBooks with students with learning disabilities
Working together for your benefit East Midlands e-Safety Project.East Midlands e-Safety Project Partner project between specialist colleges, TechDis and RSC East Midlands. Project is on-going with suggested additions to the website welcome. 17
In-Folio: An Accessible ePortfolio System Tabs Pages Blocks
In Folio Case Studies and Examples of Practice –Introducing the In-Folio trial in Scottish FE colleges.In-Folio trial – Feedback on the In-Folio trial including the views of staff & learners in the 5 participating FE Scottish colleges.Feedback on the In-Folio trial –The role of RSC Scotland in supporting the use of In-Folio in Scottish FE colleges.role of RSC Scotland –Case study: Using Tablet Devices & Accessible e-Portfolios to Support Successful Transition at Perth College UHI.Tablet Devices & Accessible e-Portfolios –Case study: Using In-Folio at Cumbernauld College.In-Folio at Cumbernauld College –Epping Forrest - In-Folio -
Discover Jisc Project Help Further Education and Skills providers use Jisc resources to deliver inclusive learning and teaching. Increase overall Jisc knowledge and awareness of the wider FE & Skills sector and how to meet its needs. Funding used to buy partner provider time. 20
Discover Jisc Partner providers East Riding Council Adult services Karten Network UK Online Centres Derwen College Myerscough College North East Autism Society Thornbeck College East Durham College ACER (Association of Colleges in the Eastern Region) Essex County Council Adult Community Learning – a partner of ACER Weston College 21
Partner Provider map Essex ACL ACER East Durham College Thornbeck – North East Autism Myerscough College Weston College Derwen College East Riding of Yorkshire – ACL UK Online The Karten Network 22
What we did Residentials x 2 Review existing TechDis staff packs Five minute missions Contributed to new CPD materials Wrote and shared curriculum materials Courses and training opportunities 23
Scope Sully* Case study on use of MyTalkTools for customers with complex communication needs Karten Network provided iPads and DJ came along at just the right time. Development of e-safety awareness raising materials for staff supporting customers/users with high needs. 24
Discover Jisc final outputs Discover Jisc Project website November 2013 Resources for teaching Teaching Techniques Partner stories and case studies End of project report to Jisc 25
Something to think about JiscMail Maybe the Karten Network could have a Mail List?
Please Helpdesk with any questions. If you particularly want to know more about the Discover Jisc project and the work with Karten then please put Discover Jisc in the subject line: 27 Follow up