Sept 2012: There were a number of examples of excellent practice in peer support, including completely student run peer-learning projects However overall it lacked consistency, support and quality assurance First steps: We undertook a wide ranging consultation with staff and students and examined example's of peer- learning nationally and internationally Findings: Students at Edinburgh felt they lacked a sense of community, belonging and the chance to share their views and get feedback We used these findings to inform 6 key models of peer interaction ie PALS/PASS, House System, Befriending, Mentoring, Academic Families, Autonomous Learning Groups
Foster a sense of belonging Provide an opportunity for ‘real-time’ feedback Engage students as active and autonomous learners Allow a social space for incoming students Encourage integration between diverse student communities Facilitate the forming of an intellectual community of learners Encourage a student centred approach to learning through greater peer interaction Support the student learning experience by encouraging collaborative, exploratory discussion in a safe environment
Peer Support Network: Brings together staff and students from across the University to share practice and experiences, exchange ideas and plan for further developments. Published a ‘Peer Support Toolkit; A menu of all the research, resources, training, policies, guidelines and evaluation documentation needed to establish a successful Peer Support Project’. Enabling Schools to identify a model(s), which best suits the needs of their students and providing practical guidance as to how to take these forward. During Academic year the focus has been on Undergraduate Students, we are now beginning Pilot Projects for Postgraduate and Online learners over the coming year. Peer Support Project staffing structure
Staff Survey, Training and Academic Guide University wide Peer Support Survey Marketing strategy Data system Recognition and reward Project evaluation, quality assurance and evidence of Impact
60 Projects running across 22 Schools supported by over 500 Volunteers EUSA and the University of Edinburgh will co-hosting the UK National Leader Conference in Recognized as a best practice case study in a UK HEA Report on Mapping Peer-led Student to Student Learning Won an NUS and UKCISA Award for Excellent International Student Support for Edinburgh Buddies and Peer Proofreading Received a distinction as an excellent example of partnership between a Students Association and a University from NUS.