EU-US eHealth/Health IT Cooperation Initiative Workforce Development Work Group December 19th, 2013 0.


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Presentation transcript:

EU-US eHealth/Health IT Cooperation Initiative Workforce Development Work Group December 19th,

Meeting Etiquette Participants automatically enter the webinar in “listen only” mode. The organizer will then unmute all participants. We ask if you are not speaking to manually mute yourself NOTE: VoIP participants have the ability to “Mute” themselves by clicking on the green microphone. However, if you would like to speak, only you can unmute yourself. If you are dialing in using a telephone and NOT using the VoIP you MUST dial the audio pin in order for the organizer to unmute you – if you do not use the audio pin and just push # when prompted the Organizer cannot unmute you

Meeting Etiquette CONTINUED If you are calling from a telephone, please do not put your phone on hold. If you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when you have completed your other call This meeting is being recorded Another reason to keep your phone or your VoIP on mute when not speaking Use the “Chat” or “Question” feature for questions, comments and items you would like the moderator or other panelists to know. 2

Agenda TopicTime Allotted General Announcements5 minutes Review Competency Approach30 minutes Presentation from Nessa Barry Service Development Manager Scottish Centre for Telehealth & Telecare 20 minutes Next Steps/Questions5 minutes 3

Meeting Times 4 Washington, DC 10:00am (ET) Washington, DC 10:00am (ET) London 3:00pm/15:00 (GMT) London 3:00pm/15:00 (GMT) Germany 4:00pm/16:00 (CET) Germany 4:00pm/16:00 (CET) Athens 5:00pm/ 17:00 (EET) Athens 5:00pm/ 17:00 (EET) Workforce Development Work Group meets every Thursday Our December 26 th meeting is canceled We will resume calls January 2 nd, 2014

General Announcements To participate in our weekly webinars, please visit the EU-US eHealth Collaboration Wiki Homepage: US+eHealth+Cooperation+Initiative US+eHealth+Cooperation+Initiative 5 Note: Please check the meeting schedule weekly to get the most up-to-date meeting information

Join the EU-US eHealth/Health IT Cooperation Initiative 6 We encourage all members to “sign up” for the initiative. By joining, this ensures you stay up-to-date with the work being done, communications and any initiative activities Simply complete the EU-US MOU Project Signup Form on the Wiki Page: US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Sign+U p US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Sign+U p

Submit Your Bio Submitted biographies are now posted on the Wikipage nt+Work+Group#Work Group Members nt+Work+Group#Work Group Members 7

Archived Meeting Materials 8 Visit the “Materials” tab and select “Past Meetings” from the drop down menu to access all archived meeting materials

Preparing for Meetings 9 Given our timeline, and the amount of material to cover, please ensure you are up-to-date with all of the activities of the workforce development work group – Visit the “Past Meetings” section of the wikipage for the latest meeting materials and recordings: – If you have questions, need help, or want a quick update, please feel free to reach out to any member of the support team – We will have little or no time to review what was covered the week prior in order to make our deadlines and deliverables

Workforce Development Timeline DateMeeting Topics Nov. 26 th, 2013 Continue with mapping roles between EU and US and developing glossary identifying common terminology Map Competencies to Roles Dec. 5 th, 2013 Review wiki comments Review definition Establish criteria for Acute Care sub group Select Group in which to expand competencies Select sub group Dec. 12 th, 2013 Review Comments Review Subgroup selection Dec. 19th, 2013 Discuss Process for Refining Competencies Presentation from Nessa Barry--Service Development Manager Scottish Centre for Telehealth & Telecare 10

Selection Criteria Picking a group that has significant Health Informatics activity as part of his/her day to day job – Direct Patient Care – Clinical – Intermediate 11

Approaches to Refining Competencies… Option A: Competency Buckets – We consolidate the silos of competencies provided to us into one Master list – From that list we apply competencies at the Bucket Level Example: What competencies qualify as Direct Patient Care, Clinical, Intermediate and we form a smaller list from the large competency list for those – After we have completed the Competency Bucket Mapping we review the assignment made to the Acute Care Roles and tweak them as necessary (basically all Acute Care Direct Patient Care, Clinical Intermediate would have the same competencies to start and then we would tweak as necessary 12

Pros and Cons to Competency Buckets Pros – We have done this process before when identifying roles (master list vs Acute Care) – We only have to create the list one time – This falls into the “lumping” category which makes it easier to start – Falls in line with the vision leadership team has for the Athens meeting Cons – We may miss some of the nuances – Our master list will be very large and somewhat unwieldy – which means more time in the beginning gettign the list together – Classifying the competencies into our buckets will take time 13

Approaches to Refining Competency Buckets : Option B: Systems Perspective Approach: – Identifying systems in the Acute Care setting – Identifying system capabilities/skills necessary to interact with the systems – Identifying staff interacting with the systems (roles) – Skill-Role mapping 14

Pros and Cons to Systems Approach Pros: – Once system capabilities are identified, it will be very easy to identify the staff interacting with the systems and mapping the skills to roles Cons: – How do we define a system ? and how do we define what systems are in the Acute care setting? – Identifying system capabilities will be hard – Variability of systems in Acute Care depending on hospital and country – Variability in terms of vendors, which affects system capabilities – Need to get conversations with vendors and Acute Care hospital to get list of systems and capabilities 15

Presentation Presentation from Nessa Barry Service Development Manager Scottish Centre for Telehealth & Telecare 16

Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare Service Development Manager

Some context –Scottish Centre for Telehealth established in 2006 –Transferred to NHS 24 in 2010 –Joined by the National Telecare Programme in 2011……..and subsequently became Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare

SCTT Role –Consultation and Facilitation for NHS Health Boards and Local Authorities –Delivery of Programmes and Projects –Identification of Emerging Solutions –Sharing intelligence and Good Practice –Providing Technical Expertise –Supporting development of new services and service redesign –Represent Scotland re: Telehealth and Telecare in Europe and Globally

SCTT Business Plan The 3 year action plan includes: –Access to Unplanned/Unscheduled Care –Access to Planned/Scheduled Care –Infrastructure –Custodial Services –Home Health Monitoring and Support –Workforce Development –Emerging Solutions –Evaluation –Support for Patients and Service users –Support for Unpaid Carers –Assisted Living –Europe

Where this started…Education & Training Action Plan Workstreams: Ethical principles Competency Frameworks Core Curriculum & CPD Induction & Accredited Training Carer Awareness Raising and Training Innovation in Education and Training

–Workforce identified ◦Professionals / qualified staff - AHPs, nurses, doctors, social workers, strategic managers ◦Support staff - equipment installers, call handlers, HIAs and responders –Training needs identified – ◦Induction ◦Vocational skills training ◦Under-graduate core curriculum ◦Continuing Professional Development (CPD) –Review of training in Scotland 2012 ◦No Scottish Qualification Authority validated awards available in Scotland for support staff ◦Very little content in core curriculum ◦Limited CPD modules identified

Health, social care professionals are the interface....between successful implementation and positive outcomes As tele services become reality for health and social care staff it is essential that appropriate education and training for staff underpin developments. Staff need access to knowledge based competencies incorporated into education and training at key stages of their professional development.

Competency Framework for Telehealthcare Support Staff published November Competency Framework for Professionals using Telehealthcare What do service providers require? What is available? Where are the gaps? Telehealthcare Competency Framework

Who were we targeting ? – types of staff Professionals working in telehealthcare is relevant for H&SC professionals with direct service user/patient contact. NHS 24 call handlers, medical staff, GPs, NMAHP, pharmacy, SAS and social workers. Senior strategic and operational managers working in H&SC and housing services. Staff who do not have direct service user/ patient contact – Technical / IT/ eHealth/ service managers.

Competencies - who was involved? Steering Group incl. organisations which lead in direct provision of education and oversight of qualifications.  Higher Education Institutions  NHS Education for Scotland  Scottish Social Services Council  Scottish Qualifications Authority  Scottish Government  NHS 24  Royal College of Nursing

Competencies - approach Desk based review of existing qualifications & identify gaps Review relevant content incl. Knowledge Skills Framework Foundation for Assistive Technology National Occupational Standards NHS 24 Competencies for Telephone Triage. Consult via Learning Network events. Critical feedback – focus on the tasks associated with the role – the role may change or move.

How did we develop buckets? Similar to the KSF structure Domain – Service Delivery, Communication, Quality, Health Safety & Security, Professionalism & Attitudes, Personal Development Function Competency Assessment method Q, DO, E Competency level 1=n/a, 2= not met, 3 = met

Competencies - sections Mandatory for health and social care professionals – working with telehealthcare – incl. medical, nursing, midwifery and allied health. Technical staff supporting telehealthcare – incl. IT / eHealth Health and social care staff supporting telehealthcare at home Health and social care staff supporting telehealthcare in an acute setting Senior strategic and operational managers – developing telehealthcare services - may incl. public private and 3rd sector.

Core competencies which apply to professional roles. Only those which apply to individual staff remit should be applied.

Strategic Engagement Organisation Initiative Scottish Qualifications Authority Professional Development Award in Telehealthcare Scottish Government Workforce 20:20 Review Telehealth and Telecare related competencies and input Scottish Social Services Council & Skills for Care (England) Knowledge and Skills for Assistive Technology use National Occupational Standards Review Reshaping Care ProgrammeIntermediate Care Framework eHealth Workforce development eHealth Competency Framework AORMC Workforce20:20 Review Royal College of Nursing Nursing Knowledge and Skills

Now… 2020 Workforce Vision: “…Improve patient care and overall performance…by ensuring that everyone: Is supported to make the best use of new technology Has fair and appropriate access to learning and development opportunities.”

Work with key organisations to develop health and social services workforce capabilities, confidence & confidence to use technology effectively to innovate and deliver new service models. Connect and build on existing online knowledge and learning solutions in health and social services to create an integrated technology-enabled learning platform which works through multiple channels to deliver knowledge and learning to point of need. Collaborating to “Do it once for Scotland”.

Next Steps 37 Join us in the New Year (can you believe it??) Thursday January 2 nd, 2014 for our weekly meeting 10:00-11:00 am ET- 3:00-4:00 pm GMT Have a wonderful Holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please your bio and photo (optional) to Gayathri Jayawardena at

Questions 38

Workforce Development Project Support Team 39 US Point of Contacts – Mera Choi, – Jamie Parker, – Gayathri Jayawardena, – Amanda Merrill, – Emily Mitchell, – Mark Roche, – John Feikema, EU Point of Contacts – Mary Cleary: – Benoit Abeloos, – Frank Cunningham,

Initiative Resources EU-US Wiki Homepage – US+eHealth+Cooperation+Initiative US+eHealth+Cooperation+Initiative Join the Initiative – US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Sign+Up US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Sign+Up EU-US Initiative Reference Materials – US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Reference+Materials US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Reference+Materials 40