Regional Arctic cooperation in practice A local example - the University of the Highlands & Islands in UArctic Linda Stewart Director of European & International Devt UHI
History: Development of UHI 1992 University Project established 1996 Millennium Commission funding 2001 Higher Education Institution (HEI) status (Teaching Funding) 2002 Research Assessment Exercise 2001 (Research Funding) 2008 Taught degree awarding powers 2010 Application for University Title 2011 The University of the Highlands & Islands - member of UArctic throughout!
13 partners Further Education colleges Specialist colleges Research institutions Over 100 outreach learning centres Linked by technology Academic Partnership
Shetland College UHI, Lerwick
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig UHI, Isle of Skye
Scottish Association for Marine Science UHI, Dunstaffnage
A new University model Tertiary: a seamless combination of further (craft and skills) and higher (university-level) education Lifelong Learning and access Research-based but with an applied and vocational focus Distributed partnership model – sustaining and enhancing local communities throughout the region Delivering a university curriculum for the region across campuses Research and knowledge transfer
Blended Learning A considered approach that selects from a range of e-learning technologies and traditional face-to-face methods to facilitate student engagement, develop independent learners and enhance the learning experience.
Never more than 30 miles from... Single site specialisms 20 degrees (regional core) 10 Masters programmes Vocationally focussed HNCs Work-based learning / CPD FE and links to schools Gateway campus concept
Research Niches (1) Marine science – oceans, climate, biodiversity, resources, policy, geochemistry, fisheries Environmental science – biodiversity, impact assessments Mountain studies Interpretation studies 3D acoustic map. Mingulay coral reefs
Research Niches (2) Social sciences – rural child, rural studies, rural policy Renewable energy Marine kinetic Marine biomass Micro-renewables, Hydrogen economy Low carbon buildings Diabetes and cardiovascular science Rural health/well being
Research Niches (3) Archaeology – world heritage Agronomy, natural products (sweet gale, bere) Sustainability Culture and language Gaelic, Nordic Highlands history Humanities and arts – theology, fine art, music
The Economic Impact BIGGAR ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY For every £1 invested UHI returns £4 UHI’s education supports 3300 jobs UHI’s Education adds to the Scottish Economy £191m p.a. The FE Partnership and Other Business supports 2700 jobs The FE Partnership adds to the Scottish Economy £202m p.a
European development Links with other European HEIs and networks Links with European institutions – regional, national and EU EU funding programmes – INTERREG, Research, Education & Culture Wider international development
European development – Structural Funds Objective – 1999 HISTP 2000 – 2006 ERDF & ESF Convergence Programmes 2007 – 2013 New Programmes?
Future Arctic cooperation? Build on collaboration to date EU 2020 context New role for UArctic?