Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce
So what is the Chamber? Business member organisation representing 400 members & 30,000 staff Accredited to British & Scottish Chambers Limited company by guarantee with no share capital Board of non-exec directors Small focused team led by a Chief Executive
What does a Chamber do? We support businesses of all sizes –We help them grow –We provide opportunities for them to network / gain business leads and promote their company –We offer a suite of products & services that help save our members money and provide essential services – many are included in your membership
Included in membership Legal helpline 24/7 & HR service Quarterly publication - free editorial eNews bulletin Some seminars and workshops are free Business Mentoring Programme Business Network online – tender opportunities Online Business Member Directory
Available at a discount Chamber H&S Chamber Health from Westfield AXA PMI AA Export Documentation service Advertise in Business Matters Meeting rooms in our Business Centre
What else? We held 50 events in 2009, attracting almost 2,000 delegates These events also provide excellent marketing & sponsorship opp’s for companies
What does it cost? Starts at £120 a year –That’s < 33p a day per company (not employee) Increases based on number of employees
What is the membership base? Covers all sizes & sectors ranging from sole trader or small charity to a SME to a large multi-national blue chip organisation As at March 2010 – we have 402 members
How do I join or find out more? Visit Pop in to our office - we are based at Glasgow Airport across from the Holiday Inn Express Call us on
Examples of how we can help a small company Networking –we can facilitate intro’s –see what other companies are doing –borrow brilliance! Free editorial in Business Matters CEO Use our services, save money Business Mentoring
Examples of how we can help a big company Premier Partner sponsorship deal Reduced price ads in Business Matters Host events at your workplace Chamber Health Support CSR (corporate social responsibility) Talent attraction Support the local business community
What’s the plan for Renfrewshire Chamber? Deliver our strategy –Every business in Renfrewshire is proud to be a member and gets real value from their membership Retain members Grow the membership – attract new members Deliver excellent events and services to our members Develop the team to ensure we can do this consistently
Meet the team Bob Davidson Chief Executive Contact for any chamber matter Works full time T: M: Michelle Ferguson Admin Manager / PA Business centre / office admin / Tourism project / website Work Mon-Thu T: Carol McIntosh Book-keeper Contact for any finance query Works Mon, Tue & Thu T: Ina Gibson Project Executive Contact for Mentoring and public sector working groups Works Tue-Thu T: M: Laura Connor Export Docs / events assistant All export docs queries / eNews Work Tue-Fri T: Catherine Campbell Financial Controller Contact for any finance query Works Tue, Wed & Fri T:
Meet the Board
Renfrewshire’s Premier Business Awards 5* event takes place in the Normandy – the only hotel big enough to stage it – in November each year All shortlisted companies attend, joining sponsors / VIPs and distinguished guests Main event in the Renfrewshire business calendar and attracted 410 guests in 2009 Raises a large sum of money for a named local charity each year – Accord Hospice in 2010 All shortlisted companies, winners and sponsors benefit from media coverage The ROCCOs
Sound good?
It is good! Help grow your business and join Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce “The Ultimate Business Network”