Learning Outcomes and the German Qualifications Framework Thessaloniki Oct
Compatibility with the EQF Starting Point
The Reference Model for Germany
Consequences This does not necessarily mean: Identical descriptors Identical number of levels
Consequences This implies: The German education and training system – covering school education, vocational/professional education and training and higher education – is presented by one set of common descriptors.
Consequences This leads to An increase of transparency More guidance, counselling and coaching A sound validation This may improve Permeability Mobility Trust Recognition This results in the following model:
Requirement Outcome orientation Example „Learning Chain“ of formal learning
9 Learning Chain Tools - Documents Learning Outcomes Subject-related -Knowledge Deepening / Widening Generic -Skills / Competences Knowledge opening / developing QFR-NQR-HQR-SQR Learner Credit Transfer + Accumulation Application /CV / Learning Agreement/ TOR / Mobility Pass Language Pass Diploma/Certificate Supplement Learning Space Teaching and Learning, Research Learning Environment Information Package / Course Catalogue Change of Paradigm Quality Assurance/ -enhancement Standards & Guidelines / Register Labour Market
Principles in Practice Information process Employability et al Learning Space Information Pack. Learning Agreement Award / Diploma Supplement Transcript of Records Credit Transfer / Accumulation Profile Level Modularisation Learning Outcomes Workload Individual Selection Performance Credits Grade Descriptors
How can this be achieved? Action Plan Proposed actions 1-3
Action Plan: 1.Agreement as regards a common set of denominators: descriptors Examples of good practice EQF EHEA DEHEA Scottish QFR Irish QFR European Language Competence Framework Compatible German development 1
Frame -work Descriptors EHEA QF Knowledge & understanding Applying k&u Making judgements Comm- unicating Learn to learn DHEA QF Knowledge K-broadening K-deepening Can Do – Knowledge opening and developing (Capacity to act) Instrumental – communicative – systemic EQF KnowledgeSkillsCompetences DQF Knowledge K-broadening K-deepening Can Do – Knowledge opening and developing (Capacity to act) Instrumental – communicative – systemic
14 Denominators - Descriptors suitableacceptablefeasiblesustainable EQF x?x Metaframework Implementation: compatible ? EHEA xxx National „Takeover“ / Implementation: compatible ? Standards & Guidelines, Register DQR HS xx compatible (Bergen-EQF) x Accreditation ? Formative Quality Assurance and Enhancement
15 Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Practice: Applied knowledge and understanding Generic and cognitive skills Communication, ICT and numeracy skills Knowledge and understanding Autonomy, Accountability And working with others Level
16 The National Framework of Qualifications – levels, major award-types and awarding bodies
Action Plan 2.In parallel: Design of an ideal model of a hierarchy of learning outcomes in theory and Identification of a reality model of descriptions of qualifications (national qualifications) both based on one set of descriptors 2
Proposed actions 21. Ideal model of learning outcomes (national meta framework) Learning outcomes are defined in general by the agreed descriptors They are differentiated vertically from each other according to levels to identify value added of learning from one level to the next They neither carry credits nor do they identify entry requirements or rights to enter
Proposed actions 22.Reality model of descriptions of qualifications (national qualifications) Test to which extent existing descriptors for learning outcomes of schools, vocational, professional and higher education and training are compatible with the EQF descriptors (knowledge, skills, competences) and/or which have to be revised in the light of the agreed set of descriptors
Action Plan If necessary Revision of non-compatible descriptors and descriptions according to the agreed descriptors Design of new descriptions of qualifications according to the above Requirement Only those learning outcomes can be described which can be tested in terms of achievement
Action Plan Structuring Qualifications with comparable/compatible descriptions will be clustered Documenting Presentation of learning pathways to achieve any qualification (Training programme e.g.), including an allocation of credits, the entry requirements and the rights to enter Qualifications (Certificate-/Diploma)-Supplement e.g.: Learning outcomes, credits
Action Plan Reality model of qualification descriptions (national qualifications) will be assigned to the ideal model of learning outcomes (national meta framework) The introduction of subcategories might be helpful Credits will be allocated but neither entry requirements nor any rights to enter All stakeholders have to be involved in this exercise The result: National qualifications framework of Germany: DQR 3
Ideal model of learning outcomes (national meta framework) (without reference to any real qualification / credits Reality model of qualification descriptions (national qualifications) (Qualifications-Supplement, incl. Credits) National Qualifications as bundle of learning outcomes H G F E D C B A Q Q Q Allocation Example Hierarchy 2 3
Step-by-step in a nutshell Definition of descriptors In parallel: Design of an ideal model of an hierarchy of learning outcomes (meta framework) and Identification of a „reality“ model based on the description of qualifications Rewriting of learning outcomes of qualifications in the light of findings and the agreed descriptors Reality qualification descriptions are assigned to the ideal model of hierarchy of learning outcomes (levels), including credits All stakeholders have to be involved 1 2 3
Summary: Structural Requirements Concise Descriptions Consistent Terminology Clear Reference to Educational / Training Standards Presentation of Learning Outcomes Validation of Learning Outcomes Scope and Size of a Level
Summary: Key Functions of a Qualifications FW Comparability and Compatibility Transparency Translation Permeability and Mobility Issue of equivalent qualifications Recognition and accreditation Progression and Transfer Components of qualifications Credits
Summary Further Functions and Objectives Employability Curriculum Development Counselling and Coaching Life-Long-Learning Efficiency and Effectiveness
Summary Potential Consequences Legal Systemic Curricular Communication
Summary Critical Success Factors Suitability Acceptability Feasibility Sustainability
Master the challenge Jointly German Qualifications Framework