Learning Objective: To understand how to make arrangements to go out in Spanish.
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson… You will know how to make arrangements to go out.
Phase one: Vocabulary Test Translate the following places in a town. You have 4 minutes…! 1. La parada de autobus 2. la piscina 3. el catedral 4. la plaza mayor 5. la discoteca 6. el museo 7. el cine 8. el bar 9. el parque 10. la bolera 11. la estación 12. el parque temático The bus stop the swimming pool the cathedral the main square the disco / club the museum the cinema the bar the park the bowling alley the station the theme park Ejercicio extra: Pagina 36- 7a
How did you do?
Phase two: Asking Questions ¿Quieres ir…? There are lots of ways to ask someone if they want to do something. If you are talking to a friend you use… ¿Te apetece ir al cine CONMIGO? ¿Te apetece +infinitivo? ¿Qué te parece si …..? ¿ Qué te parece si vamos al cine esta tarde?
Phase two: Asking Questions ¿Quieres ir…/te apetece ir? a la boleraal cine How do we know whether to use ‘ a la ’ or ‘ al ’ ?
Phase two: Asking Questions ¿Quieres ir/te apetece ir…? a la…al… Have a go at writing some questions to ask someone if they want / would like to go to the following places: 1.el museo 2.la playa 3.el supermercado 4.la piscina
Phase two: Asking Questions ¿Cuándo quedamos? Now let ’ s look at some other questions you might need to know when making arrangements… When? el sábado = on Saturday el domingo = on Sunday Can you remember the other days of the week? What are they? Let ’ s have a round robin.
Phase two: Asking Questions ¿A qué hora quedamos esta tarde? Now let ’ s look at some other questions you might need to know when making arrangements… What time? a las ocho = at 8 a las cinco y media = at half 5
Phase two: Asking Questions ¿A qué hora? Now let ’ s look at some other questions you might need to know when making arrangements… What time? At quarter past 7 = At ten to 5 = At midday = A las siete y cuarto A las seis menos diez Al mediodía
Phase two: Asking Questions ¿Dónde quedamos? Now let ’ s look at some other questions you might need to know when making arrangements… Where shall we meet? en la estación = at the station en la bolera = at the bowling alley Can you think of other places to meet? Round robin…
Otras expresiones
Phase three: Putting it into practice.. Let ’ s see how much you can remember…in your groups: 1.Ask your friend if they want to go to the bowling alley. 2. Ask when. 3. Say on Thursday. 4. Ask where to meet and at what time. 5. Say at the park. ¿Quieres ir a la bolera? ¿Cuándo? El jueves ¿Dónde quedamos y a qué hora? En el parque.
¿Quieres ir al / a la... Me ……………. ¿a qué hora quedamos? ¿?¿? ….. ……………………… 18:30 ¿……… quedamos?
Phase four: Performance SUCCESS CRITERIA 1. Correct pronunciation and intonation. 2. Everybody has an equal part and goes in order. 3. Speak clearly. You will now perform your dialogue to the rest of the group who will assess how well you have done using WWW and EBI: ¡Inventamos un diálogo!