The Story of Macbeth By Emma Schulz
Once upon a time ...
A Scottish army general named Macbeth, and his fellow general Banquo, were on their way home from a victorious battle. Whilst travelling they came upon three witches. These ‘weird sisters’ offered to read into the two men’s futures. They told Macbeth that he would be Thane of Cawdor, and eventually become king of Scotland. Banquo’s reading said that his sons would become Scottish kings as well. When their king, Duncan, returns home, he announces a great victory and makes Macbeth a nobleman. This meant that the first prophesy had already come true.
At Macbeth’s castle, Lady Macbeth reads a letter sent from Macbeth himself, explaining the witches and their readings into his future. Lady Macbeth would do anything for her husband to be King of Scotland. By her persuasive nature, Lady Macbeth convinces him that his only option is to speed up the process and kill King Duncan himself.
At the royal party, Macbeth and his wife plot the murder of King Duncan. Macbeth is not keen, but Lady Macbeth cons him into doing the terrible deed. Macbeth kills the King with a dagger, and although he doesn’t feel good about it, the next morning he murders Duncan’s guards in rage. The king’s sons flee from the country, afraid that someone has it in for their family.
Macbeth is crowned King of Scotland! His first concern as king is Banquo and his son, who are a threat to his throne, as Banquo’s son was in line for the throne as well. Macbeth hires someone to murder them both. Banquo is killed by the men Macbeth hires, yet his son, Fleance, escapes.
The night of the killing, Macbeth hosts a dinner The night of the killing, Macbeth hosts a dinner. As they dine, Banquo’s ghost enters but is only seen by Macbeth. This sends Macbeth into a raging fit. That night he meets with the witches, demanding more prophecy.
The witches give Macbeth three more prophecies: 1 The witches give Macbeth three more prophecies: 1. He will never be harmed by any man born to a woman. 2. He will be safe until Birnam Wood comes to his castle. 3. He should fear Macduff – a Scottish nobleman who is unhappy about Macbeth’s kingship. Because the witches told Macbeth that Macduff is a threat, of course, he kills his wife and children.
Macbeth’s wife kills herself in insanity Macbeth’s wife kills herself in insanity. As Macbeth is dealing with this, Macduff joins forces with Duncan’s sons, and their armies advance upon Macbeth’s castle. The army camouflage themselves with tree branches. This makes it appear as if the forest is moving and Birnham Wood is coming. As Macduff meets sword-to-sword with Macbeth, we realise that Macduff was delivered by a caeserian. This meant that he isn’t safe from him!
Macbeth and Macduff battle for a long time, until Macduff finally kills Macbeth. Maduff is seen holding Macbeth’s severed head in his hand, declaring victory, inviting everyone to see him crowned King of Scotland. THE END