UIC College of Nursing Clinical Requirements Background Check Urine Drug Screen Immunity Records CPR
Immunity Requirements CON students must complete two separate immunization forms for two separate offices –UIC Office of Medical Immunizations –College of Nursing Immunizations Office BOTH FORMS ARE AVAILABLE ON THE CON WEBSITE
Office of Medical Immunizations Form The Main UIC Medical Immunization Form Same requirements for all students in all programs eg., business, nursing, education, architecture Must be completed and kept current or you may not be able to register Fax form to May need updating (PPD, DT) ANNUALLY
College Of Nursing Proof of Immunity Form Mandated by clinical sites In place to protect the health of both workers and patients Includes: Vaccines for TD, polio TB testing 5 titers (M,M,R, Varicella, Hep B) CPR Background check Urine drug screening
Tetanus/Diptheria (Td) Booster required every 10 years For your protection in case of a needle stick injury No titer for this, just a current vaccination Must be TD or TDaP. TT (tetanus toxoid alone) not acceptable
Polio Vaccination required by Illinois Department of Public Health Pre-1957 Exemption Must provide record of pediatric vaccination with OPV/IPV vaccine series If no records, requires single adult IPV booster No titer for this is done
TB Testing (PPD) Baseline 2-step purified protein derivative (PPD) testing required –Two PPD skin tests: 1-3 weeks apart After 2-step, annual single-step required If you have a current PPD (within the past yr), one additional PPD in the same calendar year will suffice Quantiferon Gold TB blood test is an alternative to the 2-step PPD but must be repeated yearly
If you have a history of + PPD: –Record of positive PPD required, including date and measurement –Baseline Chest X-Ray dated after the positive result –Annual TB Symptom questionnaire must be completed: a self-report assessing for TB signs and symptoms –Questionnaire available on the CON website
Titers Blood tests Test blood for presence of antibodies (immunity) to specific illnesses Positive titer means you are immune Positive titer can result from disease exposure or immunization
If you have a negative titer Measles* or mumps* – need 2 MMR boosters, 4-6 weeks apart Rubella – need one MMR booster Varicella* – need 2 varicella boosters, 4-6 weeks apart *If you prefer to have a single booster and then another titer, this is OK too
A Word About Hepatitis B For YOUR protection Vaccine preventable illness that can lead to liver cancer Vaccine series requires 3 vaccines at 0, 1, and 6 months Titer done 6 weeks after last vaccination If you had the series awhile ago, your titer may be negative, but you may really be immune (immunologic memory) If this happens, me for guidance It is important to know for certain since this protects YOU
Titers CON only accepts baseline titers as proof of immunity. They are the gold standard for immunity Titers are about $90 for all 5 University Health Service or Quest Diagnostics If Quest used, must be in the State of Illinois Both order forms on CON website
CPR Required for patient safety Must be Healthcare Professional Level Mandated by contract with clinical sites Acceptable certifications –American Heart Association Healthcare Provider NO OTHER CARD WILL BE ACCEPTED –See CON website for information
Urine Drug Screen Required for admission to the College of Nursing Must be done at University Health Service See UHS form for their hours and phone# Form is on CON website Cost is approx $40 Urine drug screen is an annual requirement.
Background Check The College has contracted with Certified Background Please follow directions on website/flyer If your background check reveals something, it does not necessarily mean that you cannot continue in the program. If you have concerns, please contact: Dr. Patricia Lewis, Associate Dean for Clinical Practice Tel#: Open discussion and honesty are paramount
Consequences If records are not submitted or are incomplete by the deadline specified on the CON website: –No Clinicals –No Classes –No Registration –No Grades Reported –Possible cancellation of admission
Recap 2 Separate Immunity Forms 2 Separate Immunity Offices Annual PPD and urine drug screen Background check on admission KEEP A COPY OF EVERYTHING
Contact Numbers UIC Office of Medical Immunizations – CON Clinical Compliance Office: – Chicago Department of Public Health –311 (in Chicago) - END-