Effective Spending of the Pupil Premium and Demonstrating Success Thomas Sparks Assistant Principal
Why did you join the teaching profession? Take a minute to think why you came into teaching.
Why did you join the teaching profession? “To make a difference to students” “To ensure children have a better education than I did” “ To inspire children” “To promote a love of learning” “To ensure every child succeeds” Hopefully not, “because you finish at 3pm and get long holidays”!!!!!
Why did you join the teaching profession? Pupil Premium is all of these things. It provides the funding to: - make a difference to students - improve outcomes for students - inspire children
About the School Based in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire Population is a mixture of wealthy parents and working class students who will be first generation university students. Approx 18% are Pupil Premium. Journey of improvement.
Our Pupil Premium Statistics 2013 Results – all key measures narrowed significantly and were SIG+ on Raiseonline National Runners Up for the Pupil Premium Awards Results – all above national averages
Pupil Premium at the School Significant focus in recent years – conscious effort from leadership. Key Focus on narrowing the gaps Team focused on IMPACT – can we justify our expenditure – “so what” culture Team is led by myself and includes the SENCO, an Associate Assistant Principal for KS3, the Head of Psychology and the exams officer.
Set up a Team Ideally -led by your Raising Standards Leader -helps if they are on SLT so can access information about budget/staffing levels etc. -crossover with general raising achievement strategies -SENCO Can it be used as leadership opportunities for your staff?
Identify the Students Ask parents to apply – make sure you have every child. Think about Year 6 Summer school funding Ensure your list matches that of the DfE.
What is your school’s tracking system? Is it set up for Pupil Premium? Does it, on a half termly basis, show you the gap between Pupil Premium and Non Pupil Premium students? Is the data for CWG and Predictions reliable? How do you know? Does it show you the gaps?
Raise the Profile – Cultural Shift War Room in Staff Room – do all staff know who your Pupil Premium students are. Integrated into school Lesson Plan proforma Continuous messages about Pupil Premium Fully integrated into your data tracking systems. Agenda item at SLT/HoD link meetings. Agenda item at Raising Achievement meetings. Communication with parents
Strategies to Raise Achievement of Pupil Premium
Target Setting Aspirational targets set and tracked against. Progress is key measure not A*-C – linked to performance criteria of departments. Department reviews of areas underperforming. Culture of minimising ISV.
1-2-1 Strategies Peer Mentoring - use of sixth form - year 6 students - university students - year 7 students working in feeder primaries Small group work teaching Form Time sessions – identify small groups Use of TAs
Targeted Mentoring Selected students assigned a mentor on SLT Competition amongst SLT Meet with parents Meet with student once a fortnight Track against progress of targets not A*-C (Progress is key) This has been so successful that it is being rolled out across the school at all Key Stages
Raising Aspirations What do you want to do when you finish Year 11? Common answers from some students: -“don’t know” -“don’t care” -“College I think – not sure what though” -“Probably stay at sixth form” -“don’t need qualifications, going to work with dad”
Raising Aspirations College Trips Taster days at sixth form Taster days at secondary schools. Enrichment activities –Young enterprise etc University taster days Careers day Connections interviews
Youth Workers We have 2 Youth Workers who work with our most vulnerable students. There relationship with students is completely different to a teacher/student relationship. Play a massive part in the school
External Agencies We have developed a strong working relationship with Pet Xi. They are an external agency who will come in and do booster classes for 1 week. Excellent for demonstrating progress and impact of Pupil Premium Money.
Not just about the D/C borderline One of the biggest challenges is the top end of Pupil Premium. How do we cater for the student already making outstanding progress?
Pupil Premium Raising Achievement Meetings Raising Achievement Meetings – fortnightly with HoD Maths/HoD English/Year 11 DoL/SLT. What more can we do? Are we throwing kitchen sink at them? No excuse culture Can be easily adapted to Primary Schools for KS2 SATS
Raising Achievement Strategies Parental Meetings Governors Meetings Beyond Study Leave Systematic planning of revision sessions and intervention based on tracking. Raising Achievement Evenings.
Invest in Quality First Teaching and Learning INSET Training High Quality Feedback and Marking
Spreadsheet Tracking data updated every half term Colour coded – every 6 vs FSM vs CLA
Anything can go on here INSET Training Additional Capacity for example in Maths leading to smaller group sizes Exam Moderation and marking TA Support
Price List This will be different for every school Teacher 1:1 £26 Teacher 2:1 £13 Form Time Revision Class £8 for a week Student Support £6 an hour Revision Sessions £4 an hour Youth Worker etc etc
Student A – Year 8 Spend to Date £1598 Cost of PP Team - £75 6 weeks of Form Time Maths - £48 CPD Training on Outstanding Learning - £15 Working with external agency - £375 Pet Xi 1 week Maths Booster - £530 Pet Xi 1 week English Booster - £530 End of Year Assessments - £25
Cost of PP Team - £75 ATM Maths - £16 External Speaker on Motivation £4 Externally marked Mocks £55 Connections Interview £25 College Visit £30 Mock Examinations £40 CPD Training on Outstanding Learning £ Maths Tutoring £60 Revision Sessions inc BSL £300 Pet XI Maths Booster Class £250 Smaller Class Size in Science and Maths £450 Past Paper Packs £40 Student Support £30 Student B – Year 11 Spend to Date £1390
Student C – Year 9 Spend to Date £820 Cost of PP Team - £75 Student Support Centre £55 CPD Training on Outstanding Learning £15 Youth Worker £50 English Booster Session with Pet Xi £600 End of Year Assessments £25
Governors Governors need to be fully informed about how the school is spending their money. Regular report to Governors Meeting. OFSTED requirement
Celebrating Success Your team work pheonomenally hard so take the time to celebrate success: - drinks on a Friday - cards/postcards - recognition
What next for Goffs? We do not claim to have all the answers and we are always developing. Our ideas for next year include: –Parental Engagement –Culture of Home Learning –Continue to raise aspirations –Top performing students
You must try The money you spend may not always close the gap, but we must at least try everything we can to ensure ALL students have the best chance of success
Questions If time permits I am happy to take questions. Alternatively my address is