Booster Radiation Damage Facility (RDF) Some History The Radiation Damage Facility originated in the AP4 beam line, used primarily for testing the D0 Vertex Detectors. The advent of the MI8 line and the MI precluded further use of the AP4 dump for this purpose. The present facility was constructed in the 8Gev transfer line enclosure between the Booster and the Main Ring / Tevatron.
RDF and Booster Layout
RDF Beam Characteristics Charge per Hour = 5.2e15 protons/hour Charge = # pulses/hour * Intensity/pulse Ex 1200 * 4.3e12 = 5.16 e12 protons Minimum Charge per pulse ~ 0.25e11 protons Dump Annual Limit = 3.8 e 18 protons Beam width is typically ~25 mm H & V
RDF Operations The RDF facility is operated from within the Beams Division. Use of the facility requires submission and approval of a formal written RUN request to the RDF Safety Committee. This committee makes a recommendation to the Beams Division Head who has final approval of a run. There are limits….. -- Beam requires dedicated operation. -- Available beam time during HEP is virtually non existent. -- High intensity irradiation of dense targets unlikely to be approved. -- We provide the beam, the users provides everything else.
The DO Test Apparatus