Instructional Spanish and Prison Terms
2 Performance Objectives 1.Identify instructional Spanish terms and phrases. 2.Identify prison slang words, terms and phrases.
3 Pronunciation One of the keys to effective Spanish pronunciation is using the correct vowel sounds. Vowels –A“ah” –E“eh” –I“ee” –O“oh” –U“oo”
4 Activity Repeat vowel sounds aloud
5 Pronunciation Alphabet –A“Ah” –B“beh” –C“seh” –CH“che” –D“deh” –E“Eh” –F“EH-feh” –G“heh” –H“AH-cheh” –I“Ee” –J“HOH-tah” –K“kah” –L“EH-leh” –LL“EH-yeh” –M“EH-meh” –N“EH-neh” Alphabet –Ň“EH-nyeh” –O“Oh” –P“pe” –Q“koo” –R“EH-reh” –RR“EH-rreh” –S“EH-seh” –T“teh” –U“Oo” –V“veh” –W“doh-bleh-oo” –X“EH-kees”
6 Activity Repeat alphabet sounds aloud
7 Common Spanish Terms GraciasThanks AdiosBye BuenoGood or Okay CasaHouse JefeBoss AhoraNow NavajaKnife
8 Activity Repeat common Spanish terms aloud.
9 Spanish Phrases No comprendoI don’t understand No SeI don’t know Por FavorPlease PerdonExcuse me NecesitoI need
10 Activity Repeat Spanish phrases aloud.
11 Directional Spanish Sienta té Sit down Sienta té aqui Sit here Silencio Be quiet Ven aqui Come here ¿Para donde vas? Where are you going?
12 Activity Repeat directional Spanish phrases aloud.
13 Directional Spanish Phrases Deja de pelearStop fighting Ven con migoCome with me Para té aquiStand here Espera té aquiWait here RegresaGet back/return
14 Activity Repeat directional Spanish phrases aloud
15 Directional Spanish Phrases No te resistasStop resisting Voltea téTurn around Vacia tu bolsasEmpty your pockets Hinca téKneel down Acuesta téLay down
16 Activity Repeat directional Spanish phrases aloud
17 Directional Spanish Phrases Pon tus manos detras de tu espalda –Put your hands behind your back Pon tus manos en la pared –Put your hands on the wall
18 Activity Repeat directional Spanish phrases aloud
19 Directional Spanish Phrases Encaja tu propeidad –Pack your property ¿Donde esta tu casa? –Where is your house? Levanta los brazos –Lift your arms Separa los peas –Separate your feet
20 Activity Repeat directional Spanish phrases aloud
21 Five Common Words Used During an Investigation QuienWho QueWhat CuandoWhen DondeWhere ComoHow
22 Activity Repeat common Spanish phrases used when investigating aloud
23 Spanish Slang JuraBoss WilaLetter WarrecheCoffee Canton/chanteCell GavachoWhite person PicoShank Pon té truchaBe alert
24 Activity Repeat Spanish slang aloud
25 Prison Slang Boss/Five OOfficer AggieFarm Hoe NewbyNew officer CaseOffense report KillingMasturbating SnitchTo inform Nickel5-yr sentence Road DogFriend
26 Prison Slang Bean ChuteTray slot Yo YoWeed cutter HerbWeak offender BangerKnife LawsGray shirt PisserSolitary Confinement BuckRefuse HomeboyIndividual from same hometown
27 Prison Slang Cheese eaterInformer Cutting headsFighting JackedRefuse to comply with orders MonsterHIV Drive-upFirst timer Cutting upSuicide ChowFood
28 Phrases or Terms ChunkingThrowing liquid Bump it upMove up in line Bump it downKeep walking Cold LickDone you wrong Turn outGo to work, chow JohnnySack lunch HouseCell/dormitory
29 Phrases or Terms Slow buckRefusing to work Click upJoin a gang FishA new offender DeckPack of cigarettes HoggedForced by others StickMarijuana cig JiggerWarning/staff approaching
30 Activity Answer and discuss essential elements
31 Summary Questions?