Inverted Pyramid Style. All stories have shapes The reporter’s job is to decide which shape is best for the story.


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Presentation transcript:

Inverted Pyramid Style

All stories have shapes The reporter’s job is to decide which shape is best for the story

Inverted pyramid style Goes from most interesting information to least interesting information.

Chronological style Tells the story from beginning to end, using fiction techniques.

Section style Told in parts, such as different time frames, points or view, or as chapters in a narrative

Inverted pyramid style is the most common way to write a news story.

The story is shaped this way: Most important info in the lead Next most important info in the second paragraph Least most important info at the end

Once it is written, the story is “shaped” like this: Lead Details Less impt. details

Here’s an example of an inverted pyramid news story: A 16-year-old West High School sophomore is in critical condition today at River City Hospital after being treated for smoke inhalation at his home last night.

Joe Smith, son of Bob and Carol Smith of 116 Travis Lane, was overcome by smoke in the family garage about 8 p.m. after pouring carbon solvent into the carburetor intake of his car, according to a hospital spokesman. He was discovered by his parents, who called an ambulance.

All of the information is not used in the lead of the story. If we were to label what is in the lead, it would look like this:

A 16-year-old West High School sophomore is in critical condition today at River City Hospital after being treated for smoke inhalation at his home last night. who what where when why

Emphasizing the “W’s and H” A lead may begin with any of the who, what, when, where, why and how, depending where the reporter wants to place emphasis.

Emphasis on “who” The Yorktown High School Football Booster Club is having its bookkeeping files investigated by the Yorktown School District.

Emphasis on “what” An investigation into the bookkeeping files of the Yorktown High School Football Booster Club has begun by the Yorktown School District.

Emphasis on “when” Late yesterday afternoon, the Yorktown School District opened an investigation into the bookkeeping files of the Yorktown High School Football Booster Club.

Emphasis on “where” Yorktown High School in Smith County is having its Football Booster Club bookkeeping files investigated by the school district.

Emphasis on “why” Because of irregular spending practices, the Yorktown School District has opened an investigation into the bookkeeping files of the Yorktown High School Football Booster Club.

Emphasis on “how” A full-scale audit and investigation for the past six months will be conducted on the bookkeeping files of the Yorktown High School Football Booster Club, the school district announced yesterday.

Another example of inverted pyramid style Ben Davis, 85, of 345 Benson St., was killed in an automobile accident on Warner Road about 1:30 p.m. Sunday, according to the Arkansas State Police.

Davis, a Hot Springs farmer, was killed when his car left the road and struck a tree two miles east of town on Warner Road, police said.

Same story, written in chronological style Today at 1:30 p.m., Ben Davis, who is a farmer at 345 Benson St., was driving home on Warner Road.

He was two miles east of town when his car went off the road and hit a tree. Davis, 85, was killed instantly, according to a hospital spokesman. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.

Why is inverted pyramid style used? It allows the reader to read only the lead and know most of the important information.

It allows the editor to cut the least important information from the bottom of the story and not worry about leaving out anything of great importance.

How did inverted pyramid style begin? During the Civil War, telegraph wires relaying news were sometimes cut by opposing sides. As a result, war correspondents began using the most important part of the story first.