Service Delivery 3 Water Supplies
Aim The aim of the session is to introduce students to water supplies used for firefighting purposes.
Learning Outcomes At the end of the session students will be able to: List the applicable legislation State the main sources of water supply Identify the distribution system Recognise the types of hydrant plates in use.
Legislation The legislation applicable to the supply of water for firefighting purposes is; The Water Act 1945 (sec 32-36) The Fire Services Act 1947 (sec 13-16).
The Water Act 1945 Section 32 Section 33 Section 34 Section 35 Section 36.
The Fire Services Act 1947 Section 13 Section 14 (1) Section 14 (3) Section 14 (3)(a) Section 14 (3)(b) Section 14 (5) Section 15 (1) Section 15 (2) Section 16.
Water supplies Water undertakers obtain their water from 3 main sources; River intakes Impounding reservoirs Underground sources.
Distribution system Trunk main Secondary main Service main Service reservoirs Booster pumps (where necessary).
Water main Trunk Secondary Service.
Pressure zones Maximum requirements at peak times Minimum pressure requirements Ageing factors Estimated future demand.
Hydrants All hydrants conform to BS 750 Minimum output of 2000 litres/min at 1.7 bar pressure Two types of hydrants in current use.
Diagram of a screw down type hydrant.
Diagram of a sluice type hydrant.
Hydrants All hydrants conform to BS 750 Minimum output of 2000 litres/min at 1.7 bar pressure Two types of hydrant in current use Location indicated by a hydrant plate.
Example of a class `A` hydrant plate in use in this brigade.
Hydrants All hydrants conform to BS 750 Minimum output of 2000 litres/min at 1.7 bar pressure Two types of hydrant in current use Location indicated by a hydrant plate Meter by-pass valve may be installed.
Example of a class `D` hydrant plate in use in this brigade.
Practical safety considerations Hydrant covers should be placed across the pit when the hydrant is in use Some form of warning light should be placed in position when visibility is poor Care must be taken to ensure correct direction of opening before operating valve Take care to avoid contact with discarded syringes or hypodermic needles.
Confirmation Assessments will be based on this lesson and the corresponding study note Learning Outcomes List the applicable legislation State the main sources of water supply Identify the distribution system Recognise the types of hydrant plates in use.