► FEDS INTO THE FUTURE Presented By Add-On Technologies, Inc. N. Carolina, USA Ph: (704) Fax: (704)
TellerCounts™ & EZ-WEDGE October A Versatile and Productivity-Driven Family of Interface Products Developed by Add-On Technologies On-Line Connectivity Has Never Been Easier!
What is TellerCounts? October The TellerCounts family of products are a combination of configurable software or hardware based utilities which simulate teller/operator key strokes. They automatically enter the currency count data directly into the PC Teller Application Teller PC Tremendous Productivity Booster Greatly Improves Workplace Efficiency 100% Accuracy in Copy of Counts into the Teller Workstation Support for most major brand name Currency Discriminator/Sorters, Scale Devices, and Coin Sorters
What Does TellerCounts Do? October TellerCounts is directly connected via the printer output port on Desktop Currency Discriminator/Sorters, Scales and Coin Sorting machines Automatically converts printer output data into the digit entries required by the Teller Application, and sends those entries directly into the Teller’s computer
How Does it Work? October As the currency count data comes out of a currency Discriminator/Sorter or Scale, the interface extracts the information for each denomination It stores each denomination - both the number of pieces and their value into memory When the cash count transaction is completed, TellerCounts arranges these stored values and sends them into the PC via the Discriminator/Sorter “ ACCEPT ” button, just as if the operator/teller had entered everything required manually Count transfer typically occurs in less than a second
How Does TellerCounts Know Where and How to Enter Data? Most Teller/POS platforms use unique input screens TellerCounts is easily configurable onsite for any teller or POS PC application platform TellerCounts places counted data values into the proper places on the targeted teller/POS app screen TellerCounts can “Read the Screen” to identify the format of count entry needed October 20106
What is a TellerCounts Interface? October It is a standard USB device interface product It is a “ software solution that does it all ”… every version of TellerCounts has the capability to work with different teller platforms via easy and simple configurable settings It typically communicates with the PC via a USB port. It processes only the data received from a Desktop Currency Discriminator/Sorter or Scale machine It is also a highly specialized interface application
SUMMARY TellerCounts a simple affordable solution Easy configurable setup to individual platforms Installation minimal involvement with IT Dept. Onsite Configuration simple and directly on Teller’s PC Coin Sorters TellerCounts supports select models Printed Audit Trail for all processed transactions (optional cable required) October 20108
TellerCounts ™ Configurations TellerCounts Standalone (USB) WedgeNet RS-485 WedgeNet Wireless (USB) TellerCounts Base Station/Client (LAN) CASH-IN “Print-to-Screen” EZ-WEDGE (USB) October Click on a specific configuration to review, or continue to next slide to review all. Add-On has the solutions for every situation ready for you now!
TellerCounts Standalone (USB) Choose Standalone if TellerCounts will be used with one PC and one Bill Discriminator/Sorter or Scale. The system* can optionally be installed as a Service on the Host PC, thus automatically operating in background mode without any interactivity from the user. October Note: Selecting Standalone USB mode automatically launches the USB driver setup to occur during installation after the TellerCounts interface is completed. The USB mode requires a special USB cable with built-in software lock. Back to Index *All required (product specific) cables are included in the basic system purchase price Cashmaster Sigma 170
WedgeNet RS-485 WedgeNet/TellerCounts™ online currency discriminator systems provide a means to share a single currency discriminator between multiple teller PC’s, with data counts “wedging” into any Windows based application. The counts are entered into the proper teller’s PC based on the teller number logged onto TellerCounts at that workstation. No actual integration or program coding with the teller app is needed. Requires “hardwired” cabling to connect all devices. October Back to Index
WedgeNet Wireless (USB) WedgeNet/TellerCounts™ online currency discriminator system provides a simple system to share a single currency discriminator between multiple teller PC’s, with the counts “wedging” into any Windows based application. The counts are entered into the proper teller’s PC based on the teller logged-on to TellerCounts at that workstation. No actual integration or program coding with the teller app is required. October Back to Index
TellerCounts Base Station/Client (LAN) Teller logs-on at Base Station. Teller Processes banknotes The Base Station reports the banknote count output from the Discriminator/Sorter, which is then broadcast to all PC’s on the Network via UDP. The Teller PC with the matching teller number logon will receive and “wedge” the count totals into the target application This is a very simple, no hassle “plug-n-play” install. October Back to Index Improved!
CASH-IN “Print-to-Screen” EZ-WEDGE No Software Required Increase Discriminator Sales Immediately Provide the extra “advantage” needed to close new sales Make your products stand-out over all any competitor Win deals against local area competition Bundle your next sale with the CASH-IN EZ-Wedge October Back to Index
Some Typical User Examples The following application screen views are representative of two different Teller applications, each configurable in three different ways. Typically, a Teller application will only use one primary method for currency count input. However, TellerCounts is flexible enough to support up to five unique screen combination requirements all at the same time should the need arise. October
FiServ Vision - VIP October Cash Count In Piece Entries
FiServ Vision - VIP October Cash Count Value Entries
FiServ Vision - VIP October LUMP SUM ENTRY
EZ-Teller 32 Cash In October Piece Entries In a List
EZ-Teller 32 Cash Count October Value Entries In a List
EZ-Teller 32 Lump Sum October LUMP SUM ENTRY