I See Animals Hiding Unit 3 Lesson 1 Vocabulary
natural o Not learned or taught, but something one is born with. o Regular, normal, usual It is natural for animals to be shy and hide.
unaware o Not paying attention. o Not watchful or mindful. o Antonyms: aware My brother caught me unaware an played a trick on me.
camouflage o Animal coloration o Using colors or patterns to hide o Disguise Camouflage, or disguise, helps animals hide.
wariest o Most careful and alert. o Cautious o Antonyms: shy, timid Of all the animals, deer are the wariest.
slithering o Sliding, gliding, or creeping. o The way a snake moves I see a garter snake slithering through the grass.
invisible o Not able to be seen. o Antonyms: visible The wind is invisible. We cannot see it.