Republic of Macedonia and Climate Change Teodora O. Grncarovska, M.Sc, UNFCCC Focal Point
Chronology In 1998 Republic of Macedonia became a party to the UN Convention on Climate ChangeIn 1998 Republic of Macedonia became a party to the UN Convention on Climate Change In January 2000, the Climate Change Project Office was set up within the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, financially supported by UNDP-GEFIn January 2000, the Climate Change Project Office was set up within the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, financially supported by UNDP-GEF In March 2003, Republic of Macedonia adopted the First National Communication on Climate Change and submitted it to the UNFCCC Secretariat. Preparation on Second National Communication is ongoing processIn March 2003, Republic of Macedonia adopted the First National Communication on Climate Change and submitted it to the UNFCCC Secretariat. Preparation on Second National Communication is ongoing process In 2004 Republic of Macedonia ratified the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC and became party in 2005In 2004 Republic of Macedonia ratified the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC and became party in 2005
Chronology June 2006, Governmental Decision for nomination on MoEPP as Designated National Authority (DNA) January 2006, established joint office between relevant Macedonian and Italian environmental ministries –continued activities for technical and legal support of the Macedonian DNA
Levels of activities Institutional Strategic Legislative Bilateral, multilateral Technical
UNDP-GEF International Experts/Institutions Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning UNDP Climate Change Project Office Lead National Institutions NCCC Academic sector Private sector NGOs Independent Experts Media
DNA under the MoEPP- Single Model Ministry Figure 1 DNA structure in Macedonia
Strategic level National Strategy for SD (on-going): Energy and Climate Change identified as key contributor towards SD Second NEAP identified problems and solutions in climate changes First National Communication on Climate Changes including chapters on inventories, projections, vulnerability assessment, mitigation options, etc adopted National Strategy for the CDM for the first commitment period under Kyoto Protocol was adopted in February 2007 National Strategy on environmental investments (on- going), carbon financing recognized as potential tool for attracting investments
Legislative level Law on Environment Climate change issues are incorporated in the Law on Environment, including details on: preparation of inventories of GHG emissions and removals by sinks action plan on measures and activities to abate increase of GHG emissions and to mitigate adverse impacts of climate change. an Article on Clean Development Mechanism is introduced into the amended Law
Bilateral cooperation The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning has signed two Memorandums of Understanding on implementation of projects in compliance with the clean development mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol with the: Republic of Italy (August 2005) Republic of Slovenia(July 2006)
Multilateral cooperation Memorandum of Understanding for carbon financing under MDG signed between the Government of the R. Macedonia (through the MoEPP) and the UNDP (December 2007)
Technical level Pipeline of potential identified projects can be find on:
Major constraints in The Republic of Macedonia to regulate or promote CDM Most potential project developers in Macedonia are currently unaware of CDM and the opportunities it can provide. Priority actions: Raise awareness of key potential project developers on CDM Develop capacities and knowledge within different stakeholders (ministries, local authorities, business sector, NGOs, industry…) Mobilize external technical assistance to support local project developers Promote exchange of experience and lessons learnt on CDM project development Develop necessary sub-legislation