Secretary: (Controller of Operations) presented by Kimball Williams N.C.E. Past President IEEE EMC Society
Overall Philosophy: l As much as possible, it is the Secretary’s role to manage the administrative functions of the Branch such that the Chair, Vice- Chair & Treasurer are unaware that they even need to be managed. 2
3 Agenda l Meetings: l vTools: l Reports: l Interactions:
4 Meeting Functions Secretary Chair Committee Draft Agenda
5 Meeting Functions Secretary Chair Committee Draft AgendaRevisions
6 Function Secretary Chair Committee Draft AgendaRevisions Draft Agenda
7 Function Secretary Chair Committee Draft AgendaRevisions Draft Agenda Mtg. Notice *
8 Function Secretary Chair Committee Draft AgendaRevisions Draft Agenda Mtg. Notice * Draft Minutes
9 Branch Administrative Teleconferences & Meetings: l Meeting date: -Transcribe minutes of the meeting. l Meeting date: - Record attendance at meeting.
10 Function Secretary Chair Committee Draft AgendaRevisions Draft Agenda Mtg. Notice * Draft MinutesRevisions
11 Function Secretary Chair Committee Draft AgendaRevisions Draft Agenda Mtg. Notice * Draft MinutesRevisions Draft Minutes
12 Function Secretary Chair Committee Draft AgendaRevisions Draft Agenda Mtg. Notice * Draft MinutesRevisions Draft Minutes
13 Function Secretary Chair Committee Draft AgendaRevisions Draft Agenda Mtg. Notice * Draft MinutesRevisions Draft Minutes Draft Agenda
14 Function Secretary Chair Committee Draft AgendaRevisions Draft Agenda Mtg. Notice * Draft MinutesRevisions Draft Minutes Draft Agenda
15 Hand Shake l As the reports arrive from the Secretary, each one should receive an acknowledgement to confirm receipt and understanding of the document. Without that, what is the sender to believe? l It got lost? l It made it through? l It was illegible? l It got scrambled? l It did not make sense? l The receiver is asleep at the switch? l Each message deserves a response! … BUT… l NOTE: DO NOT use reply to all.
vTools l Meeting Format for SBs l Web Conference l L31 for SBs l e-notice l Survey l Officer Reports for SBs l Yearly SB Reports l Elections for SBs 16
Reports l vTools: Above (L31 / Officers / Yearly SB / etc.) l Monthly => Chair Student Activities l Financial Requests: SEM Treasurer 17
Interactions l Section (ExCom – Standing Invitation) l Other SBs (9 just in our Section) l Chapters (16 in our Section) l Affinity Groups (4 in our Section) l Region 4 (Yearly Student Workshops) l IEEE HQ (Assistance through SB Dept.) 18
Overall Philosophy: l As much as possible, it is the Secretary’s role to manage the administrative functions of the Branch such that the Chair, Vice- Chair & Treasurer are unaware that they even need to be managed. 19
20 Thank you! Questions?