Passport to Success: A Collaboration Between Agencies
Initial Partners Bellevue School District Workforce Development Council, King County D.S.H.S. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation WorkSource Redmond Center for Change in Transition Services, Seattle University
History Post school data collected in Washington State indicated less than 50% of special education graduates had established linkages with agencies in their communities. Data indicated that teachers were unaware of WorkSource services. Data indicated that “DVR” was identified as a linkage on the IEP but little efforts were made to connect students.
History, Continued WDC, King County, grant available. Grant was written by the Center for Change and Bellevue School District. CCTS provided technical assistance, training and research. WDC personnel provided additional support. DVR provided technical assistance and support.
Student Goals Students in special education in will utilize WorkSource services. Students will connect with DVR and other community agencies/resources while still in school. Students will develop a plan for life after high school. Post-school outcomes will increase for student in special education.
Student Activities Participate in Job Hunter workshops at WorkSource. Participate in “Project Me.” Participate in Magellan vocational assessment. Develop a portfolio. Complete Passport. Final Presentation.
Staff Goals Educators, WorkSource and DVR personnel will: Participate in training opportunities. Collaborate to share information about agencies. Collaborate to replicate model.
Year 1: High School – Sammamish High School selection – 12.8% K-12 Special Education 4.6% Graduates Post-school status report, 2003, classes, 30 students
Year 1: Lessons Learned Teachers - pre-teach curriculum. Students - limited community knowledge & awareness. Professional partners - different language and understanding of agency. Continue juice and cookies. Build relationships. Student pride in program T-shirts, brochures, Passports, Program symbol, “thank you” notes
Year 2: Bellevue High Schools (50-75 students). 6 workshops at WorkSource (per school). Year long project. Internships, community assessments. Employer Fair for students (spring).
Year 2: Goals In-service to partners. Monthly meetings WorkSource and school staff prepare for youth visits. Technical assistance team reviews progress, provides updates and problem solves with teachers and WorkSource instructors.
Year 2: Lessons Learned Knowledge of agencies increasing. Staff connection facilitates student connections. Planning team is critical. Intense administrative support. Collaboration of resources. Community involvement. Continue juice and cookies (building relationships).
Year 3: Passport to Success replicated with 7 teams across Washington. Two day training on curricula, vocational assessment (Magellan) and action planning. Follow up technical support.
7 Teams Hoquiam Yakima Wenatchee Arlington Mount Vernon Evergreen, Vancouver Seattle
Results to date: Youth Graduates have employment contacts in the community upon leaving schools. Employment before graduating. Unforeseen positive family affect. Potential decrease of drop-outs.
Results to Date: Staff Staff have developed working relationships that have increased collaboration and student support. Staff understands strengths and limitations of the other agencies. Students witness staff coordination and collaboration.
Website Information Exemplary Practices Puget Sound ESD Bellevue
Contact Information Dr. Cinda Johnson Seattle University Jennifer Marsh Division of Vocational Rehabilitation