Dante’s Inferno – The Divine Comedy Canto One By: Morgan Jackson
Canto 1 starts off with Dante being lost in a dark forest. He is unaware of how he has gotten in the forest he only know that he woke up in it. The first canto starts off with Dante being lost in a dark forest. He is unaware of how he got there he just woke up in this place somehow.
He then see the sun and comes to a valley. As he tries to climb up the valley he encounters three beast.
The first animal Dante comes across is a leopard. This animal is believed to represent the sin fraud. Fraud is one of the most severe sins in Hell.
The next beast Dante cross paths with is a lion. This lion represent the sin of violence. Violence is the second most severe sin in Hell.
The last beast Dante passes is a shewolf. The shewolf represents the last great sin in Hell, immoderation. This she is the lesser of the others but the hardest to over come in the flesh. Which is why Dante she a hard time escaping from it.
As Dante is running from the shewolf his falls. When he looks up a Virgil is there. Dante is very happy to see Virgil. Virgil tells him is not a mortal man or that he does not have a body. He then goes on to tell him that he was sent by God to help Dante find his way.
This is the end of canto one