Observations – discuss with your partner What is observational research? What is observational research? What types of observation are there? What types of observation are there?
Types of observation Naturalistic – observe Ps in their natural environment Naturalistic – observe Ps in their natural environment Controlled – observe Ps in a laboratory-style, artificial environment Controlled – observe Ps in a laboratory-style, artificial environment Observations can also be: Overt (Ps know they are being observed) or covert (they are unaware of the observation) Overt (Ps know they are being observed) or covert (they are unaware of the observation) Participant (the researcher is involved with the Ps) or non-participant (the observer watches, perhaps from a distance) Participant (the researcher is involved with the Ps) or non-participant (the observer watches, perhaps from a distance)
Observational techniques Structured Structured Behavioural categories Behavioural categories Sampling procedures Sampling procedures Event Event Time Time Unstructured Unstructured Record all relevant behaviour but with no system Record all relevant behaviour but with no system
Strategies to increase reliability Double blind – neither Ps nor observer are aware of research aims/allocation of Ps to groups Double blind – neither Ps nor observer are aware of research aims/allocation of Ps to groups Operationalisation – variables are clearly defined in a checklist Operationalisation – variables are clearly defined in a checklist Pilot study – a small scale study is carried out first to check the behaviours are appropriate and the checklist is operationalised Pilot study – a small scale study is carried out first to check the behaviours are appropriate and the checklist is operationalised Inter-observer reliability – more than one observer and there must be 80% agreement/a positive correlation between behaviours noted Inter-observer reliability – more than one observer and there must be 80% agreement/a positive correlation between behaviours noted
Match the phrases to the correct place in the flow chart Create a grid in which behaviour can be recorded easily Pre-prepared environment vs. Ps natural environment What specific types of behaviour are you interested in? What is the general Q you wish to answer? Analyse data Several observers use coding sheet. Do they agree? What specific prediction can you make? Recorded at the scene vs. analysed later Reject or accept hypotheses Ps aware of being observed vs. unaware of being observed Exactly which behaviours are you going to look for and count? Behaviour recorded each time it occurs vs. at fixed time intervals
Task Match the cut ups to the correct place in the table (advantages and disadvantages) Match the cut ups to the correct place in the table (advantages and disadvantages)