Ready or Not, Here I Come! Achieving the Dream Strategy Institute 2010
Center for Community College Student Engagement Kay McClenney Director Center for Community College Student Engagement (CCCSE) Arleen Arnsparger Project Manager Initiative on Student Success Center for Community College Student Engagement (CCCSE)
Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) & Starting Right: Listening to Entering Students Center for Community College Student Engagement
SENSE & Starting Right : Listening to Entering Students 3rd year colleges Represents 1.5 million students 32 states, Marshall Islands, Mariana Islands Focus Groups
SENSE focuses on… Early Connections High Expectations and Aspirations Clear Academic Plan and Pathway Effective Track to College Readiness Engaged Learning Academic and Social Support Network Center for Community College Student Engagement
4 …the least number of times students in focus groups at one college we visited returned to the college to complete the registration process. Center for Community College Student Engagement
My first day… Video Removed
Students don’t know what they don’t know… but we think they should! Center for Community College Student Engagement
What is registration? Why do you go through these steps? Center for Community College Student Engagement
The students in our focus groups who reported the best experience registering at their college had something in common. What was it? Center for Community College Student Engagement
Early Connections Almost 30% of entering students didn’t really feel welcome. Fewer than half participated in on- campus orientation.
93% …of new students responding to the SENSE survey say they believe they have the motivation to do what it takes to succeed in college. Center for Community College Student Engagement High Expectations and Aspirations
87% …of new students responding to the SENSE survey say they’re academically prepared for college. Center for Community College Student Engagement
Entering students are highly motivated, are committed to achieving their academic goals, and sincerely believe they will. Center for Community College Student Engagement
Yet…during the first 3 weeks 41% said they came to class unprepared. More than 25% skipped class. More than 30% turned in an assignment late.
Center for Community College Student Engagement …of our students leave in their first year. 50%
Effective Track to College Readiness B ased on placement tests entering students report: 75% of students surveyed placed into at least one developmental class. 13% needed remediation in all 3 areas Center for Community College Student Engagement
I Effective Track to College Readiness More than 25% say they were not required to enroll in classes they tested into.
Center for Community College Student Engagement Video Removed
Center for Community College Student Engagement Helping students succeed through the equivalent of the first semester (12–15 credit hours) can dramatically improve subsequent success rates. Helping students complete their first developmental course can dramatically improve subsequent success rates.
Clear Academic Plan and Pathway Academic Advising & Planning An Advisor helped identify the courses I needed to take during my first semester/quarter (76% Agree or Strongly Agree) Center for Community College Student Engagement
Clear Academic Plan and Pathway Academic Advising & Planning An Advisor helped me to select a course of study, program or major (65% Agree or Strongly Agree) Center for Community College Student Engagement
Clear Academic Plan and Pathway Academic Advising & Planning An Advisor helped me to set academic goals and to create a plan for achieving them (39% Agree or Strongly Agree) Center for Community College Student Engagement
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Center for Community College Student Engagement More than 70% of entering students say no college staff member talked with them about outside commitments to help them figure out how many classes to take.
Center for Community College Student Engagement I’m Worried About… Video Removed
Student Success Courses Within a class or through another experience at this college, I learned to…. Yes Success Course A or S/A No Success Course A or S/A Understand my academic strengths & weaknesses 75%67% Improve my test-taking ability 60%47% Improve my time management skills 69%57% Improve my reading of texts and other materials 66%53% Center for Community College Student Engagement
Student Success Courses Students who Agree or Somewhat Agree : This course… Helped me to be a better student: 63% Helped me to feel more connected to the college: 51% Should be mandatory for new students: 74% Center for Community College Student Engagement
Engaged Learning More than 30% asked questions in class or contributed to discussion only once or NEVER Almost half worked with other students in class once or NEVER More than half received prompt feedback about their performance once or NEVER
Center for Community College Student Engagement Engaged Learning Fewer than half the students surveyed said instructors had activities to introduce students to one another. In fact…3-4 weeks after classes started…a number of students in focus groups DID NOT KNOW THEIR INSTRUCTORS’ NAMES!
Center for Community College Student Engagement Video Removed
Center for Community College Student Engagement Academic and Social Support Network Entering students who are unaware of support services during their first three weeks of college: Source : SENSE data.
Center for Community College Student Engagement But we gave them the info… Video Removed
Students don’t do optional!! Center for Community College Student Engagement
What Matters Most for Entering Student Success? Center for Community College Student Engagement
Students Start Right When They… Make a connection between now and their future (setting goals) Navigate through college systems, processes and procedures Feel connected to the college Establish relationships with faculty, staff and other students
Imagine Success! What Works at the Front Door? Video Removed
Imagine Success! What Works Before Classes Start? Video Removed
Students use the word “mandatory” and want us to use it when we know what they need. Imagine Success!
What Works in Class? Video Removed
How is your college focusing on… Early Connections High Expectations and Aspirations Clear Academic Plan and Pathway Effective Track to College Readiness Engaged Learning Academic and Social Support Network Center for Community College Student Engagement
High Performing Colleges …Focus Up Front! Imagine Success!
High Performing Colleges …make student engagement inescapable! Imagine Success!