What You Really Need to Know to Get Grants Heidi Yaple Grant Writer and Grants Compliance Manager Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians First Annual Conference for Michigan’s Clean Water Corps Program October 29, 2005, Ralph MacMullan Conference Center, Higgins Lake MI
GRANTS are ideas that when turned into action will help a target population and a community. Grants often result in new knowledge about how to reduce a problem or prevent a problem.
Grants vs. Fundraising Grants fund specific ideas or projects that most often attack problems through innovative programs and services. With grants you “sell” an idea. Grants fund specific ideas or projects that most often attack problems through innovative programs and services. With grants you “sell” an idea. Fundraising is the solicitation of money from individuals and corporate donors – usually on a one- time basis and usually based upon an aggressive and individualized short-term marketing program. Fundraising promotes the idea of “just send money”. Fundraising is the solicitation of money from individuals and corporate donors – usually on a one- time basis and usually based upon an aggressive and individualized short-term marketing program. Fundraising promotes the idea of “just send money”. What’s the difference?
Both grants and fundraising are very competitive. It is extremely important there is certainty about your organization (purpose, organizational structure, finances, etc.) and what you want to accomplish.
Sources of Funding $ Federal Government (Federal Register, ) $ State Government (Telephone Directory, online search) $ Local Government (Chamber of Commerce, City and County Planning Departments) $ Foundations (National, State, Local, Private) $ Corporations (National, State and Local)
A Few Reasons Why Grants Are Not Funded A negative attitude Failure to do your “homework” Ignore foundation/funding agency guidelines Failure to complete reports or failure to inquire about follow-up requirements Excessive use of acronyms or jargon Missing the due date! Failing to thank the foundation when a grant is given Unaware of grant opportunities
“Homework” – or – Know Your Organization What is the VISION? What is the VISION? Do you have a MISSION? Do you have a MISSION? What are your GOALS or focus? What do you want to accomplish? What are your GOALS or focus? What do you want to accomplish? What is the NEED for your organization? Is the need documented through valid data and statistics? What is the NEED for your organization? Is the need documented through valid data and statistics?
A few things you should know about your organization before you begin The legal name of your organization The legal name of your organization Address, City, State Address, City, State Demographics Demographics Date organization was founded Date organization was founded History of organization beginnings History of organization beginnings Statistics related to organization purpose Statistics related to organization purpose Mission Mission Population served – type and size Population served – type and size Unique qualities or your organizations’ niche or area of expertise Unique qualities or your organizations’ niche or area of expertise
Once you are familiar with your organization you can identify specific needs and goals for particular projects. Documentation to support an identified need is critical. Careful planning can lead to an easier job when writing a proposal.
Homework – Know the Funder! Eligibility requirements Types of support Funding limitations Geographic area Application information – guidelines Fields of interest Financial information Researching these areas is just as important if you really want to be funded:
Government funding availability is often referred to as an RFP (Request For Proposals). An RFP has a specific purpose and focus and has clearly defined eligibility, funding parameters and application guidelines. Some foundations use a Common Grant Application. This application outline is available on-line through the Council of Michigan Foundations.
Organization – Another Key to Success Define the Problem Develop a Strategy Locate Different Funding Sources Assess the Need Create a Program- Driven Budget Program Funded!
Components of a Proposal 1. Cover Letter and Title Page 2. Abstract (Summary or Executive Summary) 3. Introduction 4. Problem/Need Statement 5. Objectives 6. Plan of Operation – activities, strategy, timeline 7. Evaluation 8. Future Funding 9. Dissemination Plan 10. Budget 11. Bibliography/endnotes (when applicable) 12. Appendix – support letters, documentation, IRS determination letter, etc...
Writing Style and Presentation Tips Restrictions or limitations Restrictions or limitations Sections to include Sections to include Required information Required information Information Organization Information Organization Font size and type Font size and type Stapled, binder clip, bound? Stapled, binder clip, bound? Margin size Margin size Page numbering? Page numbering? Sentence or word length Sentence or word length Cover sheet information Cover sheet information Format specifications Format specifications The #1 Tip – Follow the RFP (or application) guidelines! Look for:
Finding all the detailed instructions can be one of the most important tasks you will do as part of preparing your proposal. Always follow the instructions carefully and to the letter”!
A Few More Hints Most common font: size – 12 point, type – New Times Roman Avoid using a font that is hard to read Watch the amount of white space – dangling words that extend a paragraph or another line or only a few words on a page Justified margins look the best! Right and left margins should be the same (unless otherwise instructed) Use decimal tabs for number alignment in budget presentation Avoid using pronouns – especially “I” Don’t say you “want to” to do something – say you “will”!