Mapping to GECAFS Food Matrix Gujrat Pakistan (IGP Site1) Survey Results Kashif Majeed Salik Global Change Impact Studies Centre Islamabad, Pakistan GECAFS IGP CPW&F Synthesis and APN Launch Workshops, Kathmandu, Nepal June, 2006.
Retrospect District Gujrat was selected as the case study site in Dhaka meeting Food matrix was critically examined during the Kathmandu meeting in December 2005 After that a survey was conducting in Gujrat district in May to fill the gap in food matrix and also critically examine the importance of key determinants to Gujrat food systems.
Focused Group Discussion was conducted during the survey on GECAFS Food Matrix to following important stakeholders –Producers –Landless Rural Households –Wholesalers –Retailers –Processors –Government Department –District Administration Results were then generalized for whole Gujrat District
Food Availability Production Distribution Exchange
SNFS ComponentKey DeterminantDescription 1ProductionSize of land holdingsMostly Small: Less Productive 2ProductionTenancy arrangementsLow 3ProductionDegree of self-sufficiencyLow: e.g. Wheat Import 4ProductionPrincipal crop?Wheat 5ProductionImportance of cash cropsLess 6ProductionImportance of livestock High: Mostly self sufficient in Milk production 7Production Spatial variation in production Irrigated: High productivity Rainfed: Low productivity 8Production Potential for crop diversification Low diversification 9Production Use of improved technologies Low: Due to Small/segmented land holdings 10Production Labor available or constrained Constraint only during rice transplantation 11Production Other biophysical constraints Low soil productivity-Water erosion 12ProductionDegree of seasonality Only Rabi and Kharif
SNFS ComponentKey DeterminantDescription 1DistributionInfrastructure Private distribution: Good Government distribution: Fair 2Distribution Presence of storage/ safety net Not Enough Storage for food items for whole year 3DistributionHousehold storage Essential Characteristics in R.HH. But Medium level in urban areas 4Distribution Is distribution skewed or balanced? How? Balanced for Wheat but poor for fruit and vegetables 5DistributionGender differences? Not Reported 6DistributionAge Differences Not Important
SNFS ComponentKey DeterminantDescription 1Exchange Importance of exchange for HH No 2ExchangeAbility to import foodHigh 3ExchangeMajor Imports Wheat, Fruits, Vegetables 4ExchangeMajor Exports Rice 5ExchangeRole of remittances Very High.
Food Access Affordability Allocation Preference
SNFS ComponentKey DeterminantDescription 1AffordabilityHousehold incomes Enough to afford basic food requirement only. 2AffordabilityPrices of Food Items Medium to High Affordability 3Affordability Proportion of food purchased Other then wheat, rice, and milk products most of them are purchased. 4Affordability Percentage of Income spent on food 45 percent 5AffordabilityPricing policy supportLess to Medium Support 6Affordability Subsidized Food by government Least support ( Weekly discount bazaars, Govt. utility stores, Special packages)
SNFS ComponentKey DeterminantDescription 1Allocation Control over own production High/Complete 2Allocation Degree of market influence High 3Allocation Govt. intervention in markets Weak (Strong in Wheat procurement only) 4AllocationMarket efficiency Low for fruit and vegetables Medium to High for stable food
SNFS ComponentKey DeterminantDescription 1PreferencePreferred carbohydrateWheat 2PreferencePreferred protein Milk/ Pulses/ Poultry 3PreferenceRole of AdvertisingIncreasing 4PreferencePreparation Preferences Self preparation 5PreferenceConsumption patternsNo change 6Preference Changes with seasonality Yes 7Preference Raw or Processed/packed Increasing trend of Processed/Packed food items
Food Utilization Nutritional Value Social Value Food Safety
SNFS ComponentKey DeterminantDescription 1Nutritional ValueFood diversity Medium (Mostly people relay on wheat, rice and pulses) 2Nutritional ValueMain Source of ProteinPulses 3Nutritional ValueOther source of proteinPoultry/Livestock 4Nutritional Value Effect of food processing on food quality Mixed e.g As bran, is separated from wheat flour. 5Nutritional Value Effect of preparation on nutrition Mostly unaware 6Nutritional Value Disease incidence like Diarrhea Not Epidemic 7Nutritional Value Diet is balanced as required Medium
SNFS ComponentKey DeterminantDescription 1Social ValueSocial OccasionPredominates 2Social ValueRole of food in kinshipImportant 3Social Value Production of own Food is source of esteem Not Important
SNFS ComponentKey DeterminantDescription 1Food Safety Public awareness about hygiene Low to Medium 2Food SafetyPresence of pathogens Medium 3Food Safety Perception about Adultration High 4Food Safety Substandard ingredients in Food High 5Food Safety Presence of Agro Chemicals in food Low
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