Full Moon and Little Frieda Ted Hughes
Biographical Information Born 17 August 1930. Died 28 October 1998 Married to Slyvia Plath-committed suicide in 1963 Lover Assia Wevill-died same way Frieda was first child of 2 from Plath born in 1 April 1960 FM&LF was a group of poems from the collection “Wodwo”
Full Moon and Little Frieda A cool small evening shrunk to a dog bark and the clank of a bucket - And you listening. A spider's web, tense for the dew's touch. A pail lifted, still and brimming - mirror To tempt a first star to a tremor. Cows are going home in the lane there, looping the hedges with their warm wreaths of breath – A dark river of blood, many boulders, Balancing unspilled milk. 'Moon!' you cry suddenly, 'Moon! Moon!' The moon has stepped back like an artist gazing amazed at a work That points at him amazed.
The Title Full and Little-Contrasting images Relating the two objects together Moon-Symbol
First Stanza The evening can be said to be seen through Frieda’s eyes-links to the ‘and you listening’ Tone of tranquillity and calmness present-suggested by the words ‘cool small’ ‘dog bark’ and ‘clank’ ‘Shrunk
Second Stanza Repetition carries on with description of scene ‘You’ can refer to both reader and Frieda Sense of anticipation is created in the next 3 lines ‘tense’ ‘brimming’ ‘tempt’
Third Stanza Slight change in the poem (follows on from anticipation stanza 2) ‘Looping’ links to the wreaths ‘Warm Wreaths’ alliteration Cannot escape his past Darker tone is present- ‘river of blood’ Cows represent bloodshed ‘Unspilled’
Fourth Stanza Sudden change of tone, brings Hughes and reader back Repetition of ‘moon’ shows how it is now point of interest. ‘you’ implies again that Frieda is unaware she is still innocent If Hughes is taken to be the moon Relationship between father and daughter
Fifth Stanza ‘Him’ refers to Hughes Repetition of ‘amazed’
Themes Relationships Memories Descriptions of nature Moon
Techniques used Imagery Repetition Free verse
Possible Exam Questions Explore the ways in which relationships are portrayed in Full Moon and Little Frieda How does Ted Hughes create an atmosphere throughout the poem, Full Moon and Little Frieda?