Christian Vargas
Also known as Data Privacy or Data Protection Is the relationship between collection and spreading or exposing data and information about yourself It also involve the concealing of information that you consider private and not should be exposed to everyone.
Personal information is information about an identifiable individual that is recorded or filed in any form whether it be on paper or electronically.
Home Address Home Telephone number Age, Date of birth, Gender Blood Type Ethnicity, nation of origin, color of skin Religious beliefs Health care/Medical history Opinions about a person from others Marital status Identifying number SIN, PRI Credit card number Criminal records, fingerprints Resume ( Curriculum vitae) Educational history Financial history Employment information Exact salary
Address at work Classification of job position Work-related correspondence Details of employment contract Fact that a person is or was employed by the government Name on government contract Opinion about job Responsibilities of job Salary range Telephone number at work (including business cell phone number) Fax number at work Job title Security level of position
This is important because its good to know the difference between what is consider personal information and what isn't. Because different persons have different views on what personal information is It is important to know about ways these information is used against you for other purposes
Information is also entered online and is stored online as well Social websites always asks for personal information and it willing given( Facebook, twitter, Instagram) This information is entered online and saved and used by other third party companies Because this information is online it is readily available anytime and anywhere
As we know: Information is used to give a general description about us on social networks to tell others about ourselves It is used for surveys and when you sign up to receive newsletters or any online site along this line This information is used to meet people and find friends
Under our noses This information is bough by third party sites and is used for their benefit and to promote their companies Its is also used by third party companies to build their online database This information is also used to promote a certain type of product to us or similar to what we link Companies used this information to blasts us with advertisements about products we might like
People who enter this information online is not aware of how this information is used The are under the impression that the information is used online for the site it is entered When told that the information is bought and used by other sites, they were unaware Users are unaware of what other companies are doing with their information and how they are using it
The major acts and policies that relate to privacy and personal information are: The Privacy Act The Access to Information Act Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
The Privacy Act protects the privacy of individuals by controlling personal information collected, used, retained or disposed of by federal government institutions. The Act also provides Canadian citizens and other individuals present in Canada with the right to access personal information about themselves held by a government institution.
The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act establishes rules to govern the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by all federally regulated private sector organizations in the course of commercial activity. The Act also provides for the use of electronic alternatives to record or communicate information or transactions, describes the characteristics of secure electronic signatures and the conditions under which electronic signatures can be used to authenticate business transactions and to provide evidence in legal proceedings.
The Access to Information Act is a Canadian act that provides the right of access to information under the control of a government institution. It declares that government information should be available to the public. This is in keeping with the principles that government information should be available to the public and that exceptions to this should be limited and specific.
Cons These information is used to narrow down the different advertisement the bombard us with The information we enter online is to build a database that we might not want to be in Information about ourselves is saved and kept online for long times such as criminal records and other incriminating information. Pros The information we enter can help our friends get in contact with us whether it be for school purposes or business purposes The information is used to give us a search that is more specific to what we might want This information is used for other people to find us
Personal information is information about an identifiable individual that is recorded in any form. There are information that can be consider personal and other information that may not be depending on what u see as personal information This information is bought and used for other purposes than what we most likely might know or be aware of The uses of these information can both benefit us or can be sued against us