Lesson 2
Don’t be unaware Believers have different gifts Physical body: body parts don’t change gifts don’t change God the Spirit determines the gifts Gifts are the manifestation of the Spirit Gifts are received at salvation Each believer has at least one All gifts are important, but there is an order appointed by God
Present your body as an act of worship Spiritual gifts are a part of service to the Lord Renew your mind: study the Word Knowing one’s spiritual gift is part of knowing God’s will for one’s life Presenting your body for service, is also part of following God’s will for your life
Think with “sound” judgment Sound – sophroneo – to be self disciplined, to be sane, to think and act discreetly Don’t think more highly of yourself or your ministry than you ought to think “Think highly” – huperphroneo – consider something of great importance, to be lifted up with pride. Opposite of humility A life of service would come from renewing your mind and having sound judgment
Gifts differ according to what God has given by grace, not by what believers earn Believers are to exercise their gifts Prophecy: according to the proportion of that one’s faith Proportion: analogia – denoting distribution, the right relation. The gift of prophecy must not be exercised assuming a measure of faith which the individual does not possess. (Zod)
Giving with liberality: Haplotes: not having an ulterior motive, it is rather faithful benevolence out of proper motivation. Leading with diligence: spoude – to speed, urge, hasten, press. Zeal, earnest effort Show mercy with cheerfulness: hilarotes – gladness. ONLY in Romans 12:8 in NT One’s ministry is dictated by one’s gifts. Knowing your spiritual gift limits the area of service to the body where you will be effective.
Gifts: charisma – same as in I Cor. 12 and Romans 12 Two categories: Speaking and Serving Speak the Word – God is glorified Serve with God’s strength – God is glorified Your gift is for the good of the body of Christ Believers are only stewards Believers can do nothing to earn or merit his or her spiritual gift
Don’t be unaware Use your gifts Minister in the area of your gifting Why? It is all to glorify Him