Megan Houchin Safety Analysis Engineering Y-12 National Security Complex SAWG May 7 th, 2012
Introduction Section 202(c) of 10 CFR 830 Subpart B requirements Y-12 submits TSR and DSA Annual Updates for eleven nuclear facilities. In previous years, SB documents experienced: –Several late submittals –Quality and Consistency issues in documents Y-12 Safety Analysis has since instituted several continuous improvement initiatives: –Timeliness –Consistency –Quality
Timeliness issues Factors that were found to contribute to a late annual update submittal: –Operations/reviewers unaware of schedule deadlines –Late DCN incorporation –Multiple facility’s annual updates due at the same time –Readiness independent verification review (IVR) completed after SER (introducing possible changes)
Timeliness solutions Remedied through: –Broadcasted “Stoplight” monthly metric –DCN cutoffs established in scoping meetings –Staggered annual update schedules to elimination resource “clumping” –Moving part of the IVR review upstream in the process DCN Cutoff!
Stoplight Metric
Consistency DSA and TSR inconsistencies were largely historical. –The writing teams in the first 10 CFR 830 efforts did not use the same technical approach and methodology. Many documents had different sentence structures as controls flowed from the Hazard Evaluation Study to the DSA and TSR. –This “telephone game” could lead to different interpretations and potential inadequacies of safety analysis (PISAs). Further, Facility specific preferences allowed the common safety basis wording between facilities to diverge.
Consistency Solutions
Many computer issues were identified in the SB documents: Issues Format skewing Tables/characters disappearing Word dropping Causes Different hardware, operating systems, and Word versions Different specified styles, templates –Word opens document in individual’s style preference –Adobe software versions convert differently –Printers read documents differently (even Adobe) Legacy documents Quality
Quality Project Investigation Project team consisted of Facility Safety Engineers, Publishing and Editing, and Information Technology. A computer software & system survey was conducted. Many different Adobe versions and printers also used.
Quality Solutions Microsoft Office suite (Word 2007) and Adobe versions will be uniformly regulated and simultaneously updated. –Unclassified side: Citrix ® remote desktop environment with a unified operating system –Classified side: switched to a single network server accessed from thin clients with a unified operating system Publishing developed a plan for Editors convert and cross-check the current Word 2003 documents to Word 2007 for the next Annual Update. All printing is directed to a specific printer type.
Quality Results Safety Basis document handlers are successfully using the unclassified and classified unified operating systems. One facility safety basis has effectively piloted the conversion to Word 2007 process during the annual update. –Editors scrubbed the DSA and TSR to remove legacy word processing issues. –FSEs, editors, and technical editors all used the unified operating systems and printed on the validated printer. –Quality issues previously identified (format skewing, tables and characters disappearing, and word dropping) were no longer a factor during the updating, adobe conversion, and printing processing.
Conclusion Timeliness, quality, and consistency improvements created a smoother path forward for safety basis changes from Document Change Notices (DCNs) and Annual Updates. The metrics and systems ensure all parties involved are aware and comfortable with the evolution of the documents. The document owners and handlers are assured that the documents remained intact and are able to focus on the true purpose of a safety basis update. Questions?
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