(Pronounced as Dhen Gey)


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Presentation transcript:

(Pronounced as Dhen Gey) Dengue Fever What you need to know… (Pronounced as Dhen Gey) Dr Gautam

Alternative Names Onyong- Nyang Fever West Nile Fever Break Bone Fever Dengue like Disease Dengue Fever is an illness caused by infection with a virus transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

Inter play of three factors WE Interaction The Virus The Mosquito

One distinct physical feature – black and white stripes on its body and legs. Bites during the day. Lays its eggs in clean, stagnant water.

Do you know… Only the female Aedes mosquito feeds on blood. This is because they need the protein found in blood to produce eggs. Male mosquitoes feed only on plant nectar. On average, a female Aedes mosquito can lay about 300 eggs during her life span of 14 to 21 days.

Life cycle of the Aedes Mosquito Pupae Larvae Eggs 4-5 days 2-3 days Stagnant water

How Do Aedes Mosquitoes Transmit Disease... Mosquito bites and sucks blood containing the virus from an infected person. And passes the virus to healthy people when it bites them. Virus is carried in its body.

Watch out ! This Mosquito Day biting – normally catches us unaware Loves / lives in fresh water in homes Lays eggs preferentially in jars, discarded containers, coconut shells, old tires etc. Year round breeding Tropical regions like our mother India are its favorite zones. It is an urban mosquito

Do you know… Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are the most common mosquito-borne viral diseases in the world. It can be fatal.

Prevalence of Dengue… Prevalent from centuries Highly prevalent now

Dengue Presentations Bleeding into skin From Gums From Nose Dengue viruses – 4 flavours cause it It is transmitted by a mosquito- the Aedes aegypti It is generally an animal virus Man is accidentally infected Other vertebrates are the reservoirs Like any other viral fever- not clear cut Dengue Fever with Muscle pains this is classical presentation in 90% cases Dengue Fever with bleeding in 7% Dengue – the dangerous form in 3% Bleeding into skin From Gums From Nose Into our food passages Blood in urine

This is the ordinary classical What do we experience ? 2–7 days after the mosquito had its meal on us we may develop Sudden onset of fever, chills, headache Back pain with severe muscle and joint pains Pain behind the eyes and on moving the eyes Nick name - Break bone fever- pains so severe Red patches or spots on the skin Mild nose bleeds This is the ordinary classical Non dangerous form!

Signs & Symptoms

What are the tests needed? Routine blood test Tests to check the clotting process Special tests to identify the Dengue or its foot marks in our blood Urine to check protein leak

Treatment of Dengue Supportive measures – Mosquito screen Avoid Aspirin and pain killers Steroids should not be used Plenty of water and salt are required Children below 12 require careful watch for dangerous form No antibiotics are of proven value

Can we protect ourselves? There is no vaccine available as yet Prevent breeding of Mosquitoes-- control Prevent Mosquito bites Spread the dengue prevention message to others…Let your family, friends and neighbours know about the dangers of breeding Mosquitoes!!

Mosquito Control How to prevent mosquito spread? Do not allow empty vessels, coconut shells, plastic containers, flower pots, tires etc to collect rain water in them Frequently (once in 2-3 days) empty all water storage containers Cover your over tanks to prevent mosquitoes breeding in fresh water

Remove water from flowerpot plates on alternate days. Change water in vases on alternate days.

Turn over all pails and water storage containers. Do not litter. Rubbish such as cups and bottles can collect rain water and breed mosquitoes. Turn over all pails and water storage containers.

This is what you can do to help… Remove ALL sources of stagnant water. Deny the Aedes mosquito of any chance to breed.

How to prevent mosquito bites? Screen your homes with mosquito screens like Netlon - Wear full clothing – long sleeves Apply mosquito repellents like Odomos Keep Dengue fever patient under mosquito net True community participation is key           Using sprays indoors and at possible breeding places

Reach Yours Sincerely @ Your doctor Bhel general hospital Ramchandrapuram Hyderabad E-mail: medical@bhelhyd.co.in