February, 2008 Present Perception of Southern Italian Brands in living industry Report from interviews to Importers, Architects and Journalist from Eastern European Countries, after their Business Tour in Puglia visiting the main living Southern Italian brands Organized by ICE
Participants ICE Business Tour, Bari February 12 – 13, 2008
Participants TownsImportersJournalistArchitects Moscow31 Bratislava12 Budapest21 Praga11 Kiev1 Bucarest1 Sofia1
Average size of customer flats
Perception of Italian Living Brands 1,01,21,41,61,82,02,42,22,62,83,0 Clients Dealers Dealers after visit Clients Dealers after visit Dealers Dealers after visit Quality Pricing Advertising Clients Dealers Dealers after visit Desing Clients Dealers Dealers after visit Image Clients Dealers Dealers after visit Showroom Clients Dealers Dealers after visit Management Perception of: Made in Italy Experts Customers Do not know
Made In Italy Countries perceived Competitors Competition Pricing on Pricing Competition on Quality which Identity ?
Visitors Comments By Questionnaires By interview in foreign Countries By Questionnaires By interview in foreign Countries Customers buy by architects: - Customers are unaware of where to buy - People know the style that they are looking for - they then ask to architects to choose the right solutions - Spending power people are looking for top Brands Buying process Key People and Organizations Architects - research on internet, - they attend exhibitions abroad, - view magazines; - are member of National Architect Associations
Visitors Comments Key People and Organizations Academy of Art and Design - they already have relations with FRANCE - Students wish to learn and go abroad Countries and Firms BRAND Firms Brand is perceived stronger than Country Brand - China: Firms are improving numerously in terms of quality - Germany: best quality, however new ideas are found only in Italy and Spain - Italy: Northern brand are well known; Southern firms are unknown
Visitors Comments VISITORS Comments I was surprised at seeing in details and in practice the manufacturing process and the ways of leather processing. I was amazed at the creativity and high quality of the local upholstered furniture. …and I´m architect, I need to see production and research I think that architects need different information than dealers … as a designing architect I became acquainted with latest trends in production; as a Vice-President of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria I spread information and shared my impressions in professional press “ “
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