CHAPTER 12 Loudness and Pitch
Loudness/Pitch Loudness--psychological experience most directly related to sound pressure/intensity Pitch--psychological experience most directly related to frequency Loudness/Pitch
Measuring Loudness: Matching Procedure: listeners match loudness of tones at various frequencies to 1000 Hz tone -- yields unit of loudness called the PHON Loudness/Pitch
Equal Loudness Contours: The Phon Lines Loudness/Pitch
Measuring Loudness: Estimation or Scaling Procedure: listeners rate tones for loudness -- yields unit called the SONE 1 sone = loudness of a sound with a loudness level of 40 phons. 2 sones are twice as loud as 1 sone. Loudness in Sones Doubles Every 10 dB Loudness/Pitch
PITCH: Place Code Periodicity Pitch Missing Fundamental Phenomenon Loudness/Pitch
PITCH UNITS mel scale--The psychophysical unit of pitch semitone - used in music; describes the ratio (16/15) in frequency between sounds. (Also used for the half step in the standard chromatic scale) Loudness/Pitch
Complex Signals Sounds with energy at more than one frequency Timbre: Sense of voice or identity: conveyed by harmonics and timing patterns.