Communicating about your research and purposeful networking Dr. Claire Gordon and Dr. Sarabajaya Kumar Teaching and Learning Centre Authoring a PhD and Developing as a Researcher Getting Started
Structure of workshop 1.Speed networking - warm up activity 2.Why network 3.Me and my network 4.Preparing and practising an effective cocktail pitch 5.Conclusions - building and sustaining networks
(1) Speed networking: Warm-up exercise Born … 1 minute Favourite place … 1 minute … followed by 1 minute each on your topic
(2) Why network? Interesting conversations Exchange information, keeping up to date with new developments Ideas for PhD in the present/future research projects/collaborations/publications Increasing visibility Contacts for future career development
(2) Why is networking important – the PIE Model P = Performance I = Image E = Exposure
(2) Why is networking important – the PIE Model P = Performance10% I = Image30% E = Exposure60%
(3) Me and my network Who is my academic community? Where am I located within it? What key points do I want people to know about me? Mind map your own network
(3) Me and my network: where to network? Local - at LSE - your supervisor, PhDNet, society meetings, seminars in other Departments, Regional/National – in London, seminar groups in other universities International – conferences Online networking communities (Linkedin, blogs, discussion boards, facebook)
(4) Preparing and practising your cocktail party pitch exercise Prepare your pitch individually: –What is your intended audience? –What are the key elements of your cocktail party pitch? Practise in pairs and give feedback
(5) Conclusions: building and sustaining networks Networking - integral part of your academic and professional development Build a networking strategy Make/take opportunities to network Develop and regularly modify your ‘cocktail pitch’
(5) Building and sustaining networks Use your supervisor Consider trying to develop a mentor/several mentor relationships Make the most of networking opportunities Read more about building networks. Visit
(5) Building and sustaining networks Business cards Keep in touch Storing your contacts Finding a style of networking that works for you Develop and practice several versions of your ‘cocktail party/elevator’ pitch
Other useful resources More on networking – demic+hobbies demic+hobbies – social networking for academics focus on research areas university-based profile
On creating your personal websites LSE resources for personal websites. –To register for a personal website go to: – sonal-webspace-registration.aspx sonal-webspace-registration.aspx On the technical aspects – Free web template ( –greater flexibility –should be linked to/from other websites