INTRODUCTION: My name is Lendal Macon. I am a music teacher at a small high school located in the desert of Southern California. We have a student enrollment of around 575 to 600 students. My goal is to integrate technology into my classroom using music. In my first lesson called, “Understanding Rhythm and Pitch for Beginners,” I will keep the lesson simple in introducing the computer and music. Students will learn how to download, use the internet, and use the CD-ROM to learn music. This will be combined with lecture, worksheets, and test both written and performance.
EXPECTIONS: I expected to learn how to integrate technology and music into my class room. I expected to work with my peers, my schools tech advisor, and imperial county office of education tech instructors to better my knowledge and interest in technology. I expected to create a lesson infusing technology and music.
ACTUAL LEARNING: The education I have received from CTAP 295 has been very beneficial to me and my students. It has sparked my interest to learn more, and it has open my eyes to why it is necessary to integrate technology in all classroom across the curriculum. I have begun to use the lesson plan page on CTAP online to produce lesson plans and tie them to standards. Because of the mini grant where I received the new iMac OS – X and a camcorder I along with my students are beginning to use the diagonal programs such as imovie and iphoto.
SUCCESSES: Students learned how to download programs. Students learned how to use the internet. Students learned how to use the CD-ROM to learn music. Students learned that one can learn how to read music using technology. Students teaching students. Students learned technology and music is fun.
RESULTS: The lesson was taught to my music appreciation class. Most of the class were non music students. Most had a good understanding of rhythm and pitch at the conclusion of the lesson. My rsp students had difficulty.
REVISIONS: This time I would begin with the technology, explaining how to use technology and music. I would also start with the music program on music theory. I would make the lesson shorter and more simple. I would write a shorter lesson for my rsp students. The written test would also be shorter.
CONCLUDING STATEMENT: CTAP 295 has really been an eye opener for me and my students. It has parked my interest in using technology in the classroom. It also has encouraged me to encourage all my fellow teachers to begin to use technology in the classrooms. It also caused me to attend the recent CUE conference where I sat in on as many iMac OS – X sessions as possible. This sparked my interest in learning and teaching diagonal programs. I was disappointed in the first summer session of CTAP 295. The instructors did a excellent job, but the program was lengthy and seemed to move to fast. I believe many of us was confused. However, I very happy that the state and the icoe technology department did not give up on us first timers. They continued to encourage us to finish our project. This kept my interest up and actually encouraged me to learn more, especially with my new iMac OS –X.