Making the Pitch Mkt 440 Prof. Bill White
Tips There are three parts to every presentation. Beginning: Tell them what you are going to tell them—the introduction. Middle: Tell them, the meat. End: Tell them what you told them-- the summary. Follow the order I gave you for the paper. Spend most of your time in the middle.
Tips Strategize who presents what. Put your best presenters in the key topics. Hide your worse presenters in plain sight. Start out upbeat and stay that way. Remember, you are selling your ideas. Be enthusiastic about your work and your desire to do it. Zero in on what’s important to the client. What will make them pay attention. Whet their appetite in the introduction.
Tips The Visuals Your slides provide visual reinforcement of the verbal message. Your slides must be coordinated with the verbal message. Your slides should be bullet points, and easily readable. Minimum 24 point type. There must be a visual for every ad media Show your storyboard before running the TV commercial. Rehearse It gets your coordination and timing down. It identifies your weak presenters.
Tips The Ending Summarize your key points, explaining what you are going to do, and what they are going to get. Close the sale by asking for the order, and telling them what to do. Miscellaneous Consider a theme for the presentation. Make sure your handouts don’t distract. Make sure that gifts, food, decorations, etc. are consistent with your message/theme.