U N C L A S S I F I E D Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the DOE/NNSA Los Alamos National Laboratory – Plasmon Paticipation R. Friedel – and others…. ISR-1, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
U N C L A S S I F I E D Slide 2 of 30 Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the DOE/NNSA Kick-off meeting – PLASMON Project, Budapest, 14/15 February, 2011 Space Sciences at LANL – (ISR-1) ISR-1: Space Science and Applications Current Areas of Space Physics Research: - Solar Wind dynamics, sun-Earth connectivity, turbulence (ACE, Ulysses, Cassini) - Magnetotail dynamics (MHD modelling) - Energetic Particle Dynamics and data analysis throughout the inner magnetosphere (LANL GEO, GPS, Polar, Cluster, CRRES, upcoming RBSP) - PI on instrument missions at LANL GEO and GPS, RBSP - Co-I on basically all the past inner magnetosphere particle instrumentation (CRRES MEA and HEEF, Polar CEPPAD, Cammice and Hydra, Cluster Rapid, RBSP HOPE) - Inner magnetosphere modelling – DREAM assimilative code, RAM-SCB ring current code, participants in Michigan Space Modelling Framework
U N C L A S S I F I E D Slide 3 of 30 Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the DOE/NNSA Kick-off meeting – PLASMON Project, Budapest, 14/15 February, 2011 Current Status – Radiation Belt Electrons Plasmasheet: Source of seed population (convection & impulsive injection) Magnetopause: Possible loss mechanism for intersecting distorted drift paths + outward diffusion Waves: Drifting electrons encounter several possible wave regions - Hiss (loss) inside plasmasphere/plumes, - Chorus (energization) outside plasmasphere, - EMIC (strong loss) at edge of plasmasphere / plumes. - New: magnetosonic waves near equator
U N C L A S S I F I E D Slide 4 of 30 Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the DOE/NNSA Kick-off meeting – PLASMON Project, Budapest, 14/15 February, 2011 LANL contributions to PLASMON In Situ particle data from LANL spacecraft and other missions. Provide link to other radiation belt research / modelling efforts – ISSI, NSF GEM, LANL DREAM. Provide validation data from LANL GEO, GPS on in-situ high altitude energetic particle dynamics. Other datasets available: Aerospace HEO, Cluster Rapid. Testing PLASMON plasmasphere model in radiation belt models – metrics and comparisons to previous models.
U N C L A S S I F I E D Slide 5 of 30 Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the DOE/NNSA Kick-off meeting – PLASMON Project, Budapest, 14/15 February, 2011 PLASMON contributions to rad-belt modelling Waves play a major role in determining ring current electron and ion dynamics, being agents of both loss and acceleration of particles. Plasmasphere density is the most important controlling agent determining wave propagation, growth and damping, and also the resulting resonances with magnetospheric particles. For any realistic future now-casting or fore-casting system of the radiation belts an accurate representation of the plasma environment needs to be available – in as real-time a fashion as possible. A plasmasphere modelling using ground based resources offers the only realistic path towards this goal.
U N C L A S S I F I E D Slide 6 of 30 Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the DOE/NNSA Kick-off meeting – PLASMON Project, Budapest, 14/15 February, 2011 GPS data for chosen ISSI event Horne / Crosby ISSI project on Radiation Belt Science. Topic chosen for investigation: Fast Dropouts in the wake of Solar Wind stream interfaces.
U N C L A S S I F I E D Slide 7 of 30 Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the DOE/NNSA Kick-off meeting – PLASMON Project, Budapest, 14/15 February, 2011 PLASMON related research efforts / programs National Science Foundation GEM (Geospace Environmental Modelling) Active Focus Groups ( GGCM Metrics and Validation ( , RA: GGCM) GGCM Modules and Methods ( , RA: GGCM) Plasma Entry and Transport into and within the Magnetotail ( , RA: Tail) Cusp Physics ( , RA: Dayside) Near Earth Magnetosphere: plasma, fields, and coupling ( , RA: IMS, Tail) Space Radiation Climatology ( , RA: IMS, see also FG9 google group) Diffuse Auroral Precipitation ( , RA: MIC, IMS) Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions ( , RA: IMS) Substorm Expansion Onset: The First 10 Minutes ( , RA: Tail) Modes of Solar WInd-Magnetosphere Energy Transfer ( , RA: Tail) Dayside FACs and Energy Deposition ( , RA: Dayside) Radiation Belts and Wave Modeling ( , RA: IMS) The Magnetosheath ( , RA: Dayside) (RA: Research Area) (Summer Workshop in Santa Fe: June 26 – July )
U N C L A S S I F I E D Slide 8 of 30 Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the DOE/NNSA Kick-off meeting – PLASMON Project, Budapest, 14/15 February, 2011 PLASMON related research efforts / programs NASA Living with a Star TR&T Focused Science Team 2010 "Determine the Behavior of the Plasmasphere and its Influence on the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere” lead by Pontus Brandt / APL Pontus Brandt/The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory LWS TR&T/FST: The Role of Currents and Conductance in Controlling Plasmasphere Dynamics Vania Jordanova/Los Alamos National Laboratory Modeling the Plasmasphere and its Influence on Plasma Waves and Ring Current Distributions in the Inner Magnetosphere Jonathan Krall/Naval Research Laboratory A First-Principles Model of the Plasmasphere John Lyon/Dartmouth College MHD Modeling of the Plasmasphere Mark Moldwin/University of Michigan A 3D climate and weather global topside ionosphere and plasmasphere model
U N C L A S S I F I E D Slide 9 of 30 Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the DOE/NNSA Kick-off meeting – PLASMON Project, Budapest, 14/15 February, 2011 PLASMON related research efforts / programs FP7 Project by Richard Horne on Radiation Belt modeling Associated ISSI workshop, 1st year: The Earth's Radiation Belts: Physical Processes and Dynamic Modelling 8-11 Feb 2011 Normal Crosby and Richard Horne Topic of study chosen: Can radial diffusion alone explain electron dropouts? Fast Solar Wind Stream Interfaces (CIR Storms) and the subsequent energetic particle dropouts. Repeatable event signatures! Perfrom superposed epoch analyses on ALL related data – waves, radial diffusion from ULF, particle data, VLF from ground (Halley). Also event study: 21 September 2007 Perform accompanying modeling (RB models, RAM) on event AND on superposed “generic” event.