Belle-II Meeting Nov 09 19. Nov. 2009 Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna) Status of DSSD Sensors.


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Presentation transcript:

Belle-II Meeting Nov Nov Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna) Status of DSSD Sensors

Overview Prototype DSSDs have been ordered at –Hamamatsu (rectangular shape) –Micron Semiconductor (wedge shape) I will present status of both orders 2Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov. 2009

3Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov SVD Layout Layer# Ladders Rect. Sensors [50μm] Rect. Sensors [75μm] Wedge Sensors APVs Sum:

RECTANGULAR SENSORS Hamamatsu Order 4Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov. 2009

Hamamatsu Status HPK decided to re-start DSSD production –Not only for Belle. They have been pushed also from other interested (Japanese) parties KEK was in contact with Japanese sales representative and engineer Beginning of Oct. 2009: Mask Production –Unfortunately without the possibility to add test structures Delivery: March 2010 (<=30pcs.) 5Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov. 2009

Rectangular DSSD Layout 6Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov Overall Size: – x 59.6 mm P-side –768 long readout strips –75 micron readout pitch –37.5 micron strip pitch (one intermediate strip) –Second row of bonding pads compatible to Origami bonding scheme N-side –512 short readout strips –240 micron readout pitch –120 micron strip pitch (one intermediate strip)

Rectangular DSSD Specifications 7Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov. 2009

WEDGE SENSORS Micron Order 8Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov. 2009

9Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov Micron Semiconductor Ltd. Company in Sussex, England, founded 1983 Contact persons: –Colin Wilburn (Director) –Susan Walsh (Designer) Financial: ItemQuantityUnit PriceSub Total Masks162,20035,200 Probe card11,800 DSSDs102,00020,000 Shipping boxes102002,000 Shipments52001,000 Sum €60,000 (eq. 8M¥)

10Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov Wedge DSSD specifications Resistivity: 8 kΩcm (n-type); crystal orientation Thickness: 300 +/- 10 microns Full Depletion (FD): 40 volts typical; 70 volts maximum Operating Voltage: FD to 2x FD Minimum Breakdown Voltage (10uA): 2.5x FD Total drain leakage current (20 degrees C): 2uA typical; 10uA maximum (at 50% rH) Polysilicon resistor 15 +/- 5 megohms Coupling capacitor > 1.2 pF / cm strip length and per microstrip width (100pF typical) Interstrip resistance 100MΩ min, 1 GΩ ohm typical (P-Side); 10 MΩ min, 100MΩ typical (N-side)

11Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna) Micron Wafer Layout (to be confirmed) Teststructures for p-side Teststructures for n-side (no GCD) Baby sensor 1 p-side: 512 strips 50 µm pitch 1 interm. strip n-side: 512 strips 100 µm pitch 1 interm. strip atoll p-stop 3 different GCDs for the n-side Main sensor p-side: 768 strips µm pitch 1 interm. strip n-side: 512 strips 240 µm pitch 1 interm. strip combined p-stop Quadratic baby sensors 2,3,4 p-side: 512 strips 50 µm pitch 1 interm. strip n-side: 256 strips 100 µm pitch 0 interm. strip different p-stop patterns 1) atoll p-stop varying distance from strip 2) conventional p-stop varying width 3) combined p-stop varying distance from strip 19. Nov. 2009

Open Points: Guard Ring Design We proposed single guard ring with outer n-ring (n_sub) similar to HPK design –800 micron size Micron wants to implement their own multi-guard ring design –Three guard rings –1000 micron size –Requires NDA signed by us –They do not like n_sub implant; however, this make IV tests more complicated 12Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov. 2009

combined Open Points: p-stop layout 13Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov p-stops connected p-stops isolated

14Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna) Micron Wafer Layout (to be confirmed) Teststructures for p-side Teststructures for n-side (no GCD) Baby sensor 1 p-side: 512 strips 50 µm pitch 1 interm. strip n-side: 512 strips 100 µm pitch 1 interm. strip atoll p-stop 3 different GCDs for the n-side Main sensor p-side: 768 strips µm pitch 1 interm. strip n-side: 512 strips 240 µm pitch 1 interm. strip combined p-stop Quadratic baby sensors 2,3,4 p-side: 512 strips 50 µm pitch 1 interm. strip n-side: 256 strips 100 µm pitch 0 interm. strip different p-stop patterns 1) atoll p-stop varying distance from strip 2) conventional p-stop varying width 3) combined p-stop varying distance from strip 1) 2) 3) 19. Nov. 2009

15Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov Micron Wedge DSSD - Summary [µm]numberpitchImplant width AL widthAC padDC PadRemarks P strip (readout) – x x 108AC pads: 2 rows, staggered DC pads: 1 row, staggered N strip (readout) x x 60AC pads: 2 rows, not staggered DC pads: 1 row, not staggered Bias ring17595symmetric MGR3tbd. Edge ring1tbd. dicing edge One intermediate strip on both p-side and n-side Outer dimensions: –Width on top: ± 0.05 mm –Width on bottom: ± 0.05 mm –Length: ± 0.05 mm Note: all dimension values are preliminary, i.e. they are subject to discussion and are awaiting final confirmation by Micron!

Schedule 16Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov Most urgent: agree on open points with Micron to start production as fast as possible Wait for delivery –Hamamatsu: end of March 2010 –Micron: Summer 2010

Future next steps with prototype DSSDs Electrical Characterization in Vienna Build Origami module with HPK sensors Build full ladder comprising –several Origami modules –slanted module with Micron sensor Testbeam in autumn 2010 at CERN Irradiation tests of sensors –Together with electronics? –Where? When? 17Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov. 2009

THE END. 18Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov. 2009

19Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov P-Side, AC and DC pads AC pads: 50 x 200 µm, 2 staggered rows Marker with 10 µm diameter (easily adjustable) on every 128 th AC pad As long as the pad pitch within each row is constant, different pitches in different pad rows do not cause problems for bonding. DC pads: 42 x 108 µm 1 staggered row

20Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov N-Side, P-Stop pattern (implants only) According to Y. Iwata et al., this “combined pattern” performs best for a tradeoff between charge collection efficiency and interstrip capacitance. Individual P-Stop atoll N+ implant of strip Additional P-Stop „strip“ splitting the accumulation layer

21Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)19. Nov N-Side, AC and DC pads AC pad size: 260 x 60 µm, marker on every 128 th pad, 2 rows, no staggering DC pad size: 180 x 60 µm, 1 row, no staggering