ET CMS detector resolution zCMS Silicon Strip Tracker zCMS Silicon Strip Detector Resolution zHIP Silicon Beam Telescope
ET CMS Silicon Strip Tracker zDiameter 2.4 m, Length 5.6 m zTracker Inner Barrel (TIB), Tracker Inner Disks (TID), Tracker Outer Barrel (TOB), Tracker End Caps (TEC) zTemperature -10 C cm 120 cm m
ET CMS Silicon Strip Detectors z n-type FZ Silicon wafers, p+ strips, AC coupled, single-sided z Strip width: strip/pitch ~ 0.25, strip length typically 12.5 cm Wafer thickness m Resistivity k cm barrel detectors m disk detectors m Inner Tracker3201.5–3.080 or … Outer Tracker5003.5– or …
ET Needs for Detector Resolution zObjective of CMS and Tracker: to detect signatures of new physics at LHC zMethod: by identifying and precisely measuring leptons, photons and jets zTools: Tracking and Vertex reconstruction within a strong 4 T magnetic field zTracker measurements are combined with track segments reconstructed in the outer muon system -> to further extend the region over which a precise MUON momentum measurement can be performed (-> alignment)
ET Requirements for the Detector Resolution zCMS Tracker is designed to ensure high quality momentum resolution: y momentum resolution better than p T /p T = 0.15*p T (in TeV/c), all 2.5 zHit resolution requirements for successful track reconstruction: x around 15 Tracker inner radius x around 40 Tracker outer radius zThis means: x Pixel: barrel 10 –15 um endcaps 15 –20 um x TIB: better than 20 um for shorter pitches approaching (pitch/neliojuuri12) for larger pitches x TOB:pitch 140 um -> resolution better than 40 um pitch 210 um -> resolution better than 60 um (for hight pT tracks)
ET Studies of Single Track Performance zStudy of single hit quality for several pitch values zStudy of single muon tracks of several pT values in all silicon tracker z-> evaluation of the precision of the track reconstruction performance zAccumulation of 500 tracks for statistics zCMSIM & GEANT
ET Test beam results of the Detector Resolution zBarrel strip detector: 50 um pitch, 12.5 cm length -> hit resolution 11 um zDouble-sided detectors: pitch 100 um, stereo angle 100 mrad -> resolution 34 um orthogonal to stereo strips and 320 um in the stereo coordinate zWedge detector: 6.25 cm strips, um pitch -> resolution 7 um zThe dependence of the resolution on the signal-to-noise-ratio, bias voltage and incidence angle is weak
ET HIP Silicon Beam Telescope zOur ”mini-Tracker” z8 layers of Silicon detectors & adequate read-out electronics and DAQ zPitch 55 um zSpatial resolution obtained in summer 2001 beam tests: 10 m zSummer 2002: our own rad-hard Cz detectors & stereo angle detector