Calmer’s Scale Builder An easy method to discover scale pitches of a major scale (Ionian mode).
Calmer’s Scale Builder You need to know : What keys are sharp and what keys are flat.
Sharp Keys The following keys are sharp keys: G,D,A,E,B,F#,C#
Flat Keys The following keys are flat keys: F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb
Natural Key The following key is the natural key: C No Sharps, No Flats White keys of piano.
Flat and Sharp Keys Flat Keys F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb Sharp Keys G, D, A, E, B, F#, C # Sharp keys have Sharp accidental or are single letters. Flats keys have flat accidentals except for F.
Building Sharp Keys 1. Write out the alphabet A B C D E F G A
Building Sharp Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp A B C D E F G# A
Building Sharp Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps A B C D E F G# A
Order of Sharps F#,C#,G#,D#,A#,E#,B#
Building Sharp Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch ( F#,C#,G#,D#,A#,E#,B#) A B C D E F G# A
Building Sharp Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch ( F#,C#,G#, D#,A#,E#,B#) A B C D E F G# A
Building Sharp Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch 4. Plug in the Sharps. ( F#,C#,G#, D#,A#,E#,B#) A B C D E F G# A
Building Sharp Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch 4. Plug in the Sharps. ( F#,C#,G#, D#,A#,E#,B#) A B C D E F# G# A
Building Sharp Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch 4. Plug in the Sharps. ( F#, C#,G#, D#,A#,E#,B#) A B C# D E F# G# A
Building Sharp Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch 4. Plug in the Sharps. ( F#,C#, G#, D#,A#,E#,B#) A B C# D E F# G# A
Building Sharp Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch 4. Plug in the Sharps. ( F#,C#,G#,D#,A#,E#,B#) Stop A B C# D E F# G# A
Building Sharp Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch 4. Plug in the Sharps. A B C# D E F# G# A
Building Flat Keys Write out the alphabet Ab B C D E F G A
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat Ab B C Db E F G A
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats Ab B C Db E F G A
Order of Flats Bb,Eb,Ab,Db,Gb,Cb,Fb b b b b b b b
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats to the forth pitch ( Bb,Eb,Ab,Db, Gb,Cb,Fb) Ab B C Db E F G A
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats to the forth pitch 4. Plug in the Flats ( Bb,Eb,Ab,Db, Gb,Cb,Fb) Ab Bb C Db E F G A
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats to the forth pitch 4. Plug in the Flats (Bb, Eb,Ab,Db, Gb,Cb,Fb) Ab Bb C Db Eb F G A
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats to the forth pitch 4. Plug in the Flats (Bb,Eb, Ab,Db, Gb,Cb,Fb) Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats to the forth pitch 4. Plug in the Flats (Bb,Eb, Ab, Db, Gb,Cb,Fb) Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats to the forth pitch 4. Plug in the Flats (Bb,Eb, Ab,Db, Gb,Cb,Fb) Stop Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats to the forth pitch 4. Plug in the Flats Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab
Let us practice E Scale Is this a sharp or flat key?
Let us practice E Scale is a sharp key Use Sharp rules. Write out the alphabet Make seventh pitch sharp Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch Plug in the Sharps. ( F#,C#,G#,D#,A#,E#,B#)
E scale practice 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch 4. Plug in the Sharps. ( F#,C#,G#,D#,A#,E#,B#) E F G A B C D E
E scale practice 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch 4. Plug in the Sharps. ( F#,C#,G#,D#,A#,E#,B#) E F G A B C D# E
E scale practice 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch 4. Plug in the Sharps. ( F#,C#,G#,D#,A#,E#,B#) E F G A B C D# E
E scale practice 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make seventh pitch sharp 3. Go through the Order of Sharps to the seventh pitch 4. Plug in the Sharps. ( F#,C#,G#,D#,A#,E#,B#) E F#G#A B C# D# E
E scale E F#G#A B C# D# E
Let us try another scale Gb Scale Is this a sharp or flat scale?
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats to the forth pitch 4. Plug in the Flats This is a Flat scale so use flat rules.
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats to the forth pitch 4. Plug in the Flats Gb A B C D E F G
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats to the forth pitch 4. Plug in the Flats Gb A B Cb D E F G
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats to the forth pitch 4. Plug in the Flats (Bb,Eb, Ab,Db, Gb,Cb,Fb) Gb A B Cb D E F G
Building Flat Keys 1. Write out the alphabet 2. Make fourth pitch flat 3. Go through the Order of Flats to the forth pitch 4. Plug in the Flats (Bb,Eb, Ab,Db, Gb,Cb,Fb) Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F Gb
Building Flat Keys Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F Gb b b b b b b
Scale Properties In addition to interval relationships, each pitch of a scale has a name and characteristic.
Scale Properties C D E F G A B C Scale Degree: first Name: Tonic Often the beginning and ending tone of a composition, and Usually the most frequently used tone in a composition. Feeling of rest, stability or “home base.”
Scale Properties C D E F G A B C Scale Degree: second Name: Supertonic Active or unstable tone, generally leads to first or third degree.
Scale Properties C D E F G A B C Scale Degree: third Name: mediant Rest tone, important in distinction between major and minor.
Scale Properties C D E F G A B C Scale Degree: fourth Name: subdominant Active or unstable tone, usually leads to third degree.
Scale Properties C D E F G A B C Scale Degree: fifth Name: dominant Rest tone, usually second most frequently used tone; often used for upbeats.
Scale Properties C D E F G A B C Scale Degree: sixth Name: submediant Active tone, often leads to fifth degree.
Scale Properties C D E F G A B C Scale Degree: seventh Name: Leading tone Active tone, usually leads to first degree.
Build the following scale Db
Build the following scale Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db Now write the key signature (treble).
Build the following scale Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db b b b b b
Build the following scale D
D E F# G A B C# D Now write the key signature (bass).
Build the following scale D E F# G A B C# D
This method was created by D. Calmer In hopes that anyone Can learn scales.