CT Multi-Slice CT
Third Generation CT Single or Multislice Z-axis orientation perpendicular to page Patient
Single Slice Thickness Determined by Collimation Z Detector
Single-Slice Detectors Many detectors rotate around patient Single row in z-direction Slice thickness determined by collimation Z-Axis
Single Slice CT: Slice Thickness Collimated Beam Thickness Collimated Beam Thickness Thin slice Thick slice Z-Axis Z-Axis
Multi-slice CT Tube Post-collimator Detectors
What’s Different for Multislice CT?
Multislice CT Multiple rows of detectors Open collimators in “Z” direction 4 3 2 1 http://www.veterinary-imaging.com/images/MSS_CT.gif
Multi-slice CT Developed in late 1990’s Detector array segmented in z-direction Simultaneous acquisition of multiple slices http://www.ctisus.com/gallery/images/multidetector/multislice_ct.jpg
Single Slice vs. Multislice Detector Collimated Beam Thickness Single slice detector Multislice detector Z-Axis
Multi-Slice Detectors Many detectors going around patient Many detector rows in z-direction Slice thickness determined by Collimation electronic detector selection “Z” Direction Single Multi
Multi-slice CT Size & distribution of detectors in non-axial direction similar to previous CT’s Similar spatial & contrast resolution
Distribution of detectors in axial direction varies with manufacturer All detectors same width Variable widths “Z” Direction
Multi-slice CT Uniform Detector Thickness Multiple detectors in axial direction Size must accommodate thinnest slice Detector signals can be used Individually In groups “z” direction 1 2 3 4 Four thin slices 1 2 3 4 Four thicker slices
Detectors vs. Channels # Physical Detectors not necessarily equal to # of possible Slices Maximum # slices limited by Digital Acquisition System (DAS) channels Electronic counters Imaging speed bottleneck How fast data can be received from detector arrays
Detectors vs. Channels Example
Multi-Slice Detector Example 16 Detector Rows, 4 Channels
Detectors vs. Channels 4 X 1.25 mm Beam collimated to 4 detector rows 1 detector row per DAS channel Effective Detector
Detectors vs. Channels 4 X 2.5 mm Beam collimated to 8 detector rows 2 detector rows per DAS channel Effective Detector
Detectors vs. Channels 4 X 3.75 mm Beam collimated to 12 detector rows 3 detector rows per DAS channel Effective Detector
Detectors vs. Channels 4 X 5 mm Beam collimated to 16 detector rows 4 detector rows per DAS channel Effective Detector
Capture Efficiency Fraction of detector area that is active detector
Equal-width Detectors Disadvantage Many gaps Gaps are dead space Reduce capture efficiency
Multi-slice CT “Adaptive Array Detectors” “z” direction Some scanners use detectors of various widths Post-collimators used to partially block wider elements for thinner slices 1 2 3 Three thicker slices Post-collimators 1 2 3 4 Four thinner slices
Variable Width Detectors Center detectors thinner Thicker detectors can function as thinner ones using collimation Thinner detectors can function a thicker one by combining signals
Single Slice Pitch Definition table motion during one rotation Slice Pitch = --------------------------------------- slice thickness
Beam Pitch Defined only for Multi-slice scanners table motion during one rotation Beam Pitch = --------------------------------------- Beam thickness Beam thickness
Beam Pitch Defined only for Multi-slice scanners
CT Beam Pitch
Example 5 mm slices 4 simultaneous slices Beam pitch = 1 1 revolution / sec. Beam thickness? Table speed? table motion during one rotation Beam Pitch = --------------------------------------- Beam thickness
Beam Thickness 5 mm slices 4 simultaneous slices Beam pitch = 1 1 revolution / sec. table motion during one rotation Beam Pitch = --------------------------------------- Beam thickness Beam Thickness = 5 X 4 = 20 mm
Table Speed 5 mm slices 4 simultaneous slices Beam pitch = 1 1 revolution / sec. 20 mm beam thickness table motion during one rotation Beam Pitch = --------------------------------------- Beam thickness Table speed = 20 mm rotation (1 sec) = 20 mm / sec
Slice Thickness Defined at Rotational Center Tube
Detector Field must be Larger than Slice Thickness at Rotational Center Diverging Beam Rotational Center
Beam Divergence More of a Problem for Multi-Slice Rays diverge No longer essentially parallel Leads to Cone Angle Artifact Significant for 16, 32, 64 … data channels Requires use of special reconstruction algorithms to compensate
Multislice CT Doses Can be 10-30% higher than for single slice units (ICRP #47) Cause Divergent beam Other considerations Tendency to cover more volume (anatomy) Better availability of equipment
Other Reasons for High CT Doses Repeat Exams No adjustment of technique factors for different size patients No adjustment for different areas of body
Multislice CT Advantage? Speed!
Single slice / Multislice Images about the same!
Speed = Power Speed enables new applications
How do we spend our new speed?
Multi-slice CT Imaging Clinical Advantages Thinner slices for improved z-direction resolution Same acquisition in shorter time Scan larger volumes in same time
Multi-slice CT Imaging Clinical Advantages Thinner slices Improvement in CTA of neck, aorta, renal vessels Better reconstructions Sagittal, coronal, oblique 3-D Fundamental Trade-off “z” axis resolution vs. image noise
Multi-slice CT Imaging Clinical Advantages Improved x-ray tube utilization Reduced x-ray tube loading 4 slices acquired with same tube loading previously used for 1 Less need to pause of tube cooling Reduced wear & tear Other anticipated benefits CT endoscopy Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism
Multi-slice CT Imaging Clinical Advantage: Angiography Simplifies contrast bolus timing Continuous observation of target vessel Can reduce amount of contrast required Coverage from aorta to lower extremities Runoff CTA ~ 13% of all CT procedures
Continuous CT Imaging Interventional Procedures Biopsy & drainage Neuro Chest Abdominal Spine Catheter and tube placement Helps operator avoid critical structures near path of biopsy needle Better visualizing of moving structures Respiration Functional CT Brain perfusion
Multi-Slice Compared to Single-slice helical Much Faster No significant image quality differences Equivalent Patient Dose Ref: Willi Kalender, Ph.D Institute of Medical Physics University of Erlanger, Germany
Organ Coverage Time Depends On Beam Pitch Rotation Time Detector Acquisition Length
64 Slice CT Typical Coverage Times Heart & coronary arteries / brain / lungs 5 seconds Whole body coverage for blood clot search 30 seconds Philips
64-Slice Commercial Cardiac CT IGE Philips Siemens (1 tube) Siemens (2 tube) Toshiba Min. Rotation Time (s) .35 .53 .33 .4 Detector length (mm) 40 19.2 32 Time to cover heart (120 mm) (s) 5.3 6.3 10.3 5.1 7.5 www.impactscan.org
What’s Next? Slice Wars Toshiba 320 Slicer Philips 256 Slicer
Implications of 256+ Slices Full organ coverage in single rotation 12-16 cm coverage Improved temporal resolution Reduced artifacts Whole-organ function (perfusion) studies Functional data perfectly registered to anatomic data
The Future More slices Flat panel area detectors ???
Multi-slice challenges: More Slices Computer issues More archival capacity Requires faster computer systems Requires faster communications for remote viewing Radiologist responsible for all images
Acknowledgement Many drawings obtained from www.impactscan.org website