Knapp Fellowship for Entrepreneurial Service Learning PROJECT PITCH TEMPLATE
Put your Ideas into Action Use this template as a guide for developing an outline of your project. Send it to us and a review panel will provide you with feedback to help you further develop your project. The questions on the slides are prompts for information you should include in this pitch. We encourage you to be creative in how you present your Ideas, while hitting the key points in the questions. You are limited to 5 slides for the project pitch. Include a title slide (excluded from the 5 slide limit) which has the following information: your name, project title, and contact information (email). Upon receipt of your pitch we will forward it to a review panel of professors, alumni, and our community partners. We will provide you with their feedback at the end of feedback session.
WHAT? What is the project? Does it meet a socio-economic disparity? What is your intended social impact?
WHY Why is this project important? How is it innovative? What impact will it make on the community you intend to serve?
WHO Does your project have a human services focus, if so, who will benefit from your project? Will you have any project partners?
WHERE Where will you conduct your project? Why did you choose the location? What is the size of the community you will be working with?
WHEN How would your project unfold in a year? What are some short-term goals and deadlines you would want to accomplish during that year? What will happen after the year?