1 © 2011 The MathWorks, Inc. Designing Pitch and Yaw Actuators for Wind Turbines Steve Miller Technical Marketing, Physical Modeling MathWorks Area A Area B Area V Grid Pitch Yaw Rotor Speed Blades Tower GeartrainGenerator Hub Lift Wind Actuator (Ideal) Inputs System (Include) Actuator (Realistic) System (Ignore)
2 Key Points The ability to easily adjust the level of model fidelity enables efficient development Creating reusable models of custom physical elements eliminates redundant work Accurate parameter values can be determined automatically using optimization algorithms and measurement data Area A Area B Area V Actuator (Ideal) Inputs System (Include) Actuator (Realistic) System (Ignore)
3 Agenda Pitch and yaw systems in full wind turbine model Determining pitch system requirements Modeling a hydraulic pitch system Modeling an electrical yaw system Modeling custom components Validating models against measurement data
4 Determine Pitch Actuator Requirements Problem: Determine the performance requirements for the pitch actuator (force and speed) Solution: Use an ideal actuator and a controller to model the pitch system Model: Pitch Command Actuator Force Cylinder Extension Control
5 Agenda Pitch and yaw systems in full wind turbine model Determining pitch system requirements Modeling a hydraulic pitch system Modeling an electrical yaw system Modeling custom components Validating models against measurement data
6 Test Hydraulic Pitch Actuator Design Problem: Test a design for a hydraulic pitch actuation system including power failure condition Solution: Use SimHydraulics to model the hydraulic actuator Model: Control
7 Agenda Pitch and yaw systems in full wind turbine model Determining pitch system requirements Modeling a hydraulic pitch system Modeling an electrical yaw system Modeling custom components Validating models against measurement data
8 Determine Yaw Actuator Requirements Problem: Determine the torque requirements for the yaw actuator Solution: Use an ideal actuator to model the yaw system Model: Yaw Command Yaw Rate Cmd Control Torque Limit Rate to 0.5 deg/s Nacelle Yaw Rate Nacelle Yaw Angle Top View Side View Control
9 Test Electrical Yaw Actuator Design Problem: Model the yaw actuators in the Simulink environment Solution: Use SimElectronics and SimDriveline to model the yaw actuator Model:
10 Agenda Pitch and yaw systems in full wind turbine model Determining pitch system requirements Modeling a hydraulic pitch system Modeling an electrical yaw system Modeling custom components Validating models against measurement data
11 Model Custom Physical Components Problem: Create a new physical modeling component for use in the Simulink environment using this equation. Solution: Use the Simscape language to model the component. Model: q = Re ≥ Re cr Re < Re cr MATLAB based Object-oriented Define implicit equations (DAEs and ODEs)
12 Extend and Create Libraries Define the physical network ports for the Simscape block –Reuse existing physical domains to extend libraries –Define new physical domains
13 Define User Interface Parameters, default values, units, and dialog box text all defined in the Simscape file (extension.ssc)
14 Simscape Language: MATLAB Based Use MATLAB functions and expressions for typical physical modeling tasks: –Analyze parameters –Perform preliminary computations –Initialize system variables Syntax closely follows MATLAB language
15 Create Reusable Components Equations defined in a text-based language –Based on variables, their time derivatives, parameters, etc. –Define simultaneous equations Can be DAEs, ODEs, etc. Assignment not required Specifying inputs and outputs n ot required q = Re ≥ Re cr Re < Re cr
16 Agenda Pitch and yaw systems in full wind turbine model Determining pitch system requirements Modeling a hydraulic pitch system Modeling an electrical yaw system Modeling custom components Validating models against measurement data
17 Area A Area B Area V Estimating Parameters Using Measured Data Problem: Simulation results do not match measured data because parameters values are incorrect Solution: Use Simulink Design Optimization to automatically tune model parameters Model: AB PTT A B Area A Area B Area A Area B Area V Area V
18 Estimating Parameters Using Measured Data Steps to Estimating Parameters 1. Import measurement data and select estimation data 2. Identify parameters and their ranges 3. Perform parameter estimation Area A Area B Area V
19 Estimating Parameters Using Measured Data Advantages of Simulink Design Optimization 1.Enables quick and easy comparison of simulation results and measured data to ensure simulation matches reality 2.Automatic tuning of parameters saves time 3.Optimization algorithms reveal parameter sensitivity and help improve model parameterization
20 Key Points The ability to easily adjust the level of model fidelity enables efficient development Creating reusable models of custom physical elements eliminates redundant work Accurate parameter values can be determined automatically using optimization algorithms and measurement data Area A Area B Area V Actuator (Ideal) Inputs System (Include) Actuator (Realistic) System (Ignore)