The West Cheshire Way Be part of the conversation.. Alison Lee Chief Officer West Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group Making sure you get the healthcare you need
What is the West Cheshire Way? Senior Clinicians have worked very hard to come up with a vision for the future of local health and social care services in Chester, Ellesmere Port and the surrounding rural areas. Supported by five year commissioning plan 2014 to 2016 Partnership between: West Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group Cheshire West and Chester Council Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Trust Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Trust
What will the West Cheshire Way aim to achieve? Improved physical, mental and emotional health and well being Improved patient experience Individuals feel supported to manage their own condition Improved multi agency working across health and between agencies using integrated pathways Improved service accessibility and continuity of care Reduced avoidable admissions and readmissions to hospital Reduced length of stay Overall cost savings
How will it work? A process that integrates significant public, patient and carer engagement, at all levels Integrated clinical communication, including sharing medical records, to enable the identification of risk Pathway improvements, led by clinicians, to deliver improvements and reduce variation A system wide approach to quality improvement A 5 year financial model that models the shift in activity from beds to community based services An approach to wellbeing and self-care
Starting Well Ageing Well and End of Life Being Well Mental Health Primary Care
Making sure you get the healthcare you need To support babies, children, young people and their families within the community to promote self-care and reduce reliance on care in hospitals.
Key Project Areas Maternity - normalisation Integrated Early Support & Families Together Children in Care: equity of access and adoption medical advisor role Children with Special Educational Needs, or Disabilities Children with Long Term Conditions - Personal health budgets Starting Well Key Projects
Starting Well Key projects Key Project Areas Young Carers – improve service offer through collaborative commissioning Reducing unplanned admissions e.g. Lower respiratory tract infection pathway, reducing injuries and alcohol related admissions Improving patient experience via play
To respond to the challenges facing primary care by transforming the way it is delivered in order to provide improved access and continuity of care for patients and increase morale for those working in primary care.
Developing Primary care key projects Key Project Areas Pioneer practices – Clusters using an alternative contractual model and new ways of working Implement Primary Care ICT Strategy – Maximise efficiency through use of IT and social media Access and Continuity of care – Manage demand and develop alternatives to the current model
Developing Primary care key projects Productive General Practice – Roll out of key principles Education and training – Develop programme of training for clinicians and practice staff to support future model of care e.g. shared decision making
Patients will be at the centre, supported by tailored education, easy-to-use technology and a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians that supports them to manage their own condition(s) (or as parents/carers) at home and in the community. When exacerbations do happen, patients will have support to rapidly access appropriate specialist clinical expertise including diagnostics, to prevent admission to hospital where possible or alternatively ensure individuals are supported into hospital and back home again.
Being Well key projects Long term condition integrated care model Heart disease Diabetes Respiratory Cancer Chronic Pain Rheumatology Managing elective demand Ophthalomology procurement Urology pathway Referral management – Map of Medicine rollout Dermatology Diagnostics
Our vision for Mental Health and well-being is to achieve Best Health, Best Care, and Best Value for our population. Which means more people will -Have good mental and physical health -Will recover -Will have a positive experience of care and support And fewer will -Suffer avoidable harm -Experience stigma/discrimination
Mental Health key projects/priorities Continued development of Integrated provider hub Development of improved Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) pathway Personality disorder pathway Conduct disorder pathway Urgent care pathway for mental health Suicide prevention plan Anti-stigma campaign
Older people will live life to the full in their communities and stay as fit and well as they can to the end of their lives and, if they need support, they can exercise real choice and control about the nature of that support. There will be a seamless system of integration between health and social care with a real focus on prevention, anticipation and supported self-reliance. All parts of this system will be talking to each other with appropriate sharing of information which will mean individuals will only have to tell their story once. When hospital treatment is required, and cannot be provided in a community setting, there will be a focus on ensuring that people get back into their home or community environment as soon as appropriate, with minimal risk or readmission. Whatever the setting, care will be provided to the highest standards of quality and safety, with the person at the centre of all decisions.
Ageing Well key projects Key Project Areas Integrated teams rollout Frailty pathway Falls pathway Keep Well campaign Admission avoidance interventions Community Equipment Single Point of Access expansion Dementia awareness and challenging behaviour pathway Palliative care pathway
So where do you come in?.. We cannot do this without you.. Our Patients Panel members Our GP Patient Participation Group Members Carers Patients and the Public We will discuss ways of getting involved in today’s group discussions ANY QUESTIONS?