Implementation Meeting Tuesday, September 3, 2013 (updated)
Agenda Introduction to Starfish VCCS Implementation Timeline Next Steps
NOVA’s Starfish Implementation Team Project Manager: Alison Thimblin AL: Rhonda Myers AN: Joann Credle, Ray Orkwis LO: Jeremy Cook MA: Lynn Bowers ME: Beatrice Veney, Kim Nicely WO: Bryan Brown ELI: Preston Davis CS: Keri Bowman SIS: Sue Liller Slide 3
Role of Implementation Team Bring knowledge back to the campus/unit Gather feedback, questions, concerns Report back to the Implementation Team Slide 4
What is Starfish? Starfish EARLY ALERT Weekly Webinars: Slide 5
VCCS Implementation Key Facts All 23 Virginia Community Colleges will implement Starfish in the same way Pilot implementation will start with students in developmental math and English courses in Fall 2013 Full implementation in Spring 2014 Slide 6
How to access Starfish Faculty will receive an that contains a link to a “progress survey.” This survey allows the instructor to check off tracking items for each student in their class. Faculty and staff can also log in to Starfish through the MyNOVA portal. Depending on your role at NOVA, you may be able to raise, clear and/or view tracking items. Slide 7
Tracking Items Flags: Never Attended Attendance Concern Low Participation Class Assignment Concern Low Quiz/Test Scores Classroom Conduct Concern General Concern In Danger of Failing Kudos: Showing Improvement Keep Up the Good Work Outstanding Academic Performance “Classroom Conduct Concern” was removed from the list, as each college in the VCCS has their own way of reporting behavioral issues. NOVA has the CARE system.
What happens to the tracking items Once a flag is raised, an is sent to the student to address the issue. (Exception: the General Concern flag is not ed to the student.) Instructors may leave comments, which will be included on the , for the student for each flag that is raised. Depending on your role at NOVA, you may receive an “ digest” of tracking items on students with whom you have a “NOVA relationship” Depending on your role at NOVA, you can review and/or clear flags on students Slide 9
Organizations and Attributes Organizations provide an easy way to create a relationship between a student and a staff or faculty member: For example: -Student taking a course and Faculty member teaching the course -Military student and VA Counselor Attributes are student qualities, but do not cause a relationship within Starfish For example: -Academic warning, probation or suspension -Number of credits completed -Enrolled in developmental education course(s)
Roles Instructor Counselor/Advisor Faculty Advisor Vice President of Students/Academic Affairs Director of Student Services Dean of Students Developmental Education Advisors Student Activities Coordinator Veterans Advisor Trio Advisor Great Expectations Staff Dual Enrollment Coordinator College Success Coach Career Coach Tutor Think of these as roles, not titles. Your access to Starfish depends on your role at NOVA.
Roles and access Slide 12
Course Surveys 16-week courses8-week courses 4-week courses Dynamic courses Census Survey Mid-term/ Withdraw Survey Census Survey Mid-term/ Withdraw Survey Census survey (no mid-term survey) Never Attended Low Participation Classroom Assignment Concern General Concern Keep Up the Good Work In Danger of Failing Attendance Concern Low Quiz / Test Scores Outstanding Academic Performance Slide 13
Templates When certain flags or kudos are raised, the student will be notified by and directed to resources. We will have a common template with college-specific text inserts. The Project Team attempted to keep the template portion as limited as possible and the college-specific information to be as flexible as possible. Text in BLACK is proposed template language Text in BLUE would be data entered based on the flag or kudos raised Text in RED should be replaced with college-specific text
Timeline (tentative) Discovery Document – completed March 2013 Crafting of Flag and Kudos s – completed June 2013 Face-to-face college training: September 5, 2013 Anticipated “go live” date: September 30, 2013 Staff & faculty training: August 2013 – May 2014 Developmental education faculty have access to Starfish: September 30, 2013 Full deployment to all credit courses / faculty / students: Spring 2014 Slide 15
Important Items Starfish CONNECT This is another product that Starfish makes. It is a CRM – Constituent Relationship Management Tool. It is approved for purchase by VCCS colleges, but the colleges must implement the tool in the same way Hobson’s CRM After a thorough investigation of CRM software products, NOVA selected Hobson’s. This CRM will allow students to plan their academic career electronically and will allow advisors at NOVA to communicate more efficiently. Slide 16
Questions Please feel free to contact your MTT DMM, ENF CIL, or your campus implementation team representative with questions. Questions may also be sent directly to Alison Thimblin at